You Are My Teacher, Son!

No one has turned my world upside down like you, my son. Since you were born I learned to stop and reconsider everything. Your father and I do not stop being ourselves, even if we are told otherwise.
You are my teacher, son!

Though pondering a bit, yes, we’ve changed. We are an improved version of ourselves because you came into the world to change us, to make us better people.

Until recently, I thought I was the one who explained and taught you things. But at the end of the day, I find out you’re my teacher, son. You teach me more than I teach you.

A bold professor once confided in me a secret to enjoy for a lifetime: never lose the ability to be surprised, he said. We, the students who heard that phrase, never forget that. But the truth is that not losing the ability to be surprised in the adult professional world is quite difficult.

As passionate as we are, social structures end up bothering us. Many times, many women and men decide, when the time comes, to become fathers. Taking a step further on the path of personal fulfillment, even if it is difficult to sacrifice a little of your professional life.

However, it is our children who remind us every day that life is worth it when we don’t lose the ability to surprise ourselves, when we look more and more like children.

my teacher

my life teacher is you son

Yes, it’s true, we teach them to speak, walk, dress and generally behave correctly according to the rules of society. But children reinsert us into real life, so to speak. Because children, without a doubt, see life in a way that we adults have already forgotten.

Children masterfully teach us that to be happy we need to keep a little of our ingenuity, be simple, courageous and, whatever it is, it’s always better to smile, even after crying.

Every day and without knowing it, our children teach us a lesson. Most of them are certainly simple, but they have the essentials to enjoy life within them. The following are some of the teachings that these teachers called children teach us:

  • smile, there is always something worthwhile

One of the first things these teachers called children teach is that there is always something to smile about. Of course, at this point it doesn’t matter if at the end of the day you end up laughing at yourself. It’s even sometimes the best experience you can have.

  • getting dirty is healthy

    Little by little, you will realize that you spend too much energy on trivial matters. Children teach you, for example, that it’s more important to get dirty, learn and enjoy than to keep your clothes intact.

    my teacher

    • Spending the day well is the most important

    For children, the most important thing of the day is to feel good. Your child will teach you that days are worth it if you laughed at least once, if you had fun, if you felt happy for even a moment.

    • Being friendly to others costs nothing

    Children are experts at making friends. Just see how they develop in the park or wherever they are to realize that in five minutes they make a friend or friend with whom they can play for a while. There are a lot of valuable people out there. Why not meet them?

    • Creating makes you a happier person

    Always being involved in something, creating, motivating, inventing… This is another great lesson that this teacher called son teaches us. It’s nice to see how a child gets lost in his own world when he draws a picture or builds a sand castle…

    These are all expressions of creativity that we should imitate more often. Imagining and creating brings out the best in you as a person, try to do this more often.

    • Trying to do new things is always good 

    A child will rarely be afraid to try something new. Every day you can learn something different, and being willing to do that doesn’t make you miss a thing. Children are not afraid to get on a bicycle, even though they fall a thousand times. That’s a good attitude towards life!

    my teacher

    • It’s in the details that the beauty of life lies

    When we grow up, we forget that the most beautiful thing in life is in the details. In the greeting and smile offered by a good neighbor or a stranger on the street, in the person who helped us and opened the taxi door, in the flowers that beautify the streets when spring arrives, in the bird that sings in front of your window every morning.

    Children, yes, pay attention to detail and that’s why they enjoy it every day. We must learn this from them, it is not that difficult.

    • Every day is a new opportunity

    Children seem to be accompanied by magical components. For them, it’s simple to forget. Every morning they live life as if in their dream their souls had been reprogrammed. Reprogramming serves them, above all, to forget about their grudges and give a new opportunity to life and people.

    To enjoy the adventures of a day, you can’t be bothered. Feeling angry wears out. So it’s better to invest that energy in being happy people.

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