What Should A Good Place Of Study Look Like?

Having a good place to study facilitates the learning process for students.
What should a good place to study look like?

It is convenient for children and adolescents to know various study techniques to increase concentration and academic performance. But it is  equally important that they also have a good place to study.

This location can be the bedroom, the library, the office, etc., as long as it meets a series of characteristics to be considered an appropriate location for the complete execution of the process related to the study.

What should a good place to study look like?

A first characteristic that a good place of study must have is always to be the same place. In other words, it is recommended to have a fixed place to perform school tasks.

In addition, this study site must also meet certain environmental conditions  related to:

  • Noise.
  • Organization.  
  • Lighting.
  • Ventilation and temperature.  
  • Furniture.

How to organize a good place to study?

Next, we will explain in more detail what these conditions are.


Noise is an external distraction that can significantly affect the study. After all,  hearing certain sounds, especially if they are irritating, can lead to loss of concentration.

In  addition, it is also advisable that others close to the student respect their academic responsibilities and not interrupt them during study sessions.


A good place to study should always be clean and organized, as  having school materials stored and properly organized allows needed objects to be found quickly, thus increasing efficiency and productivity to perform academic tasks.

In addition, maintaining the ideal cleanliness of the place also favors the student’s physical health.


A suitable study site  should have good lighting, as this favors visual perception. In this sense, the most advisable lighting is natural, but when it is not available, it is better to opt for a table lamp, whose light should preferably be white and not exceed 60 watts of power.

Ventilation and temperature

To be able to concentrate on your studies, you need to be in a properly ventilated place with a pleasant temperature, as  the heat produces a feeling of drowsiness, fatigue and tiredness, while the cold can cause respiratory diseases, greater effort to maintain attention, etc.

For this reason, it  is advisable to renew the room’s air from time to time  (by opening the door, window, etc.) and to avoid turning on the heating at high temperatures.

girl studying in a good place of study


As for furniture in a good place of study,  there are two objects that cannot be missing:

  • A desk or desk proportioned to the student’s size  and large enough to accommodate all the necessary materials.
  • A chair in which the student can position the spine correctly. In addition, the seat must also allow him to move easily and maintain a comfortable posture.
    • It is also convenient to adjust the height and the backrest, which should preferably be slightly curved, in order to better support the lower back.

It is important to have a table and chair, as this allows the student to maintain proper body posture, which  is beneficial both for the eyes and to avoid certain physical injuries.

Thus, the best way to sit is with your back and legs straight, your feet flat on the floor and your head slightly tilted, keeping  a distance of about a foot from the work table. Also, if the table can be tilted about 20 degrees, reading can be done more comfortably.

Additionally, it is recommended to have  a shelf nearby to organize all books, notebooks, notes, etc., so that they are easily accessible for use or possible reference.

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