Teenage Reading Habit

Through the habit of reading, teenagers have the opportunity to understand the world around them from new and different perspectives. Helping them acquire this knowledge is a parent’s duty.
The habit of reading in adolescence

For many young people, reading is synonymous with working, an obligation. Although adolescence is a difficult time for the whole family, it is also  an excellent time to encourage the habit of reading.

At this stage in which the child becomes an adult and builds his personality, we can demonstrate that reading can also be a pleasure and will bring him great benefits.

Reading for teenagers: a big help

During adolescence, young people open up to the world, discovering its beauty, but also its complexity. This is a very complicated transitional moment, as the innocence of childhood ends.  Through the habit of reading, teenagers have the opportunity to understand the world around them from new and different perspectives.

Novels mix feeling, reason and imagination, regardless of the genre. However, at the same time they are always based on real elements. This combination reflects the environment that the teenager is beginning to discover and helps them to get closer to it. Furthermore, fiction is a reading genre  that offers freedom to imagine, think and face new goals.

Leer transports us to a wonderful world.

Adolescence through literary characters

One of the most wonderful properties of reading is its ability to transport us to other worlds. We get carried away by the story and inevitably put ourselves in the shoes of the characters. Reading is feeling countless emotions that teenagers identify with.

Reading, the teenager develops his imagination and adopts the personality of many different characters. Through their experiences and their different ways of understanding and facing them,  young people will learn vital lessons. And even more, they will find companionship and comfort in these characters for the feeling of loneliness  that usually arises at this stage of life.

Encourage the habit of reading

At times, the insistence that teenagers read is so great that it has the opposite effect. For many, reading is like a job, an imposed obligation at school or at home. If we want our kids to get into the habit of reading, we can’t classify it as an extra task .

We must make young people understand that reading can be both pleasurable and beneficial. Through the books, they will find entertainment as well as answers to their doubts and questions. And all this from the vast, but reduced space that is the human mind, in the intimacy and privacy that is so sought after during adolescence.

Advice for a child who does not read

  • Look for youth literature that suits you. Currently, the theme of this type of literature is quite varied and of quality. You can propose topics that interest and make reading easier. It is important to remember that because they are young, they need themes according to their age. What matters is that your child reads and enjoys reading.
  • If you are unsure what to read, you can always  ask in libraries or bookstores. In addition to guiding them about their preferences, they will be able to recommend a more up-to-date and modern reading, which may be more interesting to teenagers.
  • Reading is good anytime. For example, during holidays, when there is plenty of free time. So much so that we often don’t know what to do. If you see that your child is in this situation, ask him to read a little or talk about a book that you both have read. These moments will encourage unity and the habit of reading.
  • The environment influences. When parents are not in the habit of reading, it is normal for the child to be less likely to read. However, if we offer a relaxed, comfortable environment where reading is common, we will encourage this habit.

The habit of reading is not always acquired in a sensitive way.

  • Size doesn’t matter. Don’t buy your child a “lamp” as a first book. It doesn’t matter that other young people have read it. A book of many pages can discourage a young person. You can start with more condensed and brief summaries, fables or even short novels.
  • It’s never too late to start reading. If your child isn’t in the habit of reading now, that doesn’t mean he’ll never read. The important thing is to find a suitable reading. There is a book for each of us, and with your help your child will surely be able to find the book that will thrill them and teach them the benefits of reading.

    Don’t worry if your child doesn’t show interest at first, once a book really engages him, he can’t miss visiting the wonderful world of literature frequently.

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