Sorry Parents: Now What To Do?

The demanding first few weeks of a baby’s life can be so exhausting that many parents even regret having a baby. Given this feeling of frustration, what can we do?
Repentant parents: now what to do?

Do you know couples who regret being parents? Who are struggling to handle the responsibilities of parenthood and who feel overwhelmed? These statements are more common than many realize. Repentant parents: now what to do?

While it is true that love for children always prevails, many wonder what to do to overcome this feeling of regret. It is important to know that, in fact, raising a child represents a great challenge, many responsibilities and emotional strain.

If you’re going through a rough patch with your parenting state of mind, then let’s take a breather and reassure you that you’re not alone.

Repentant parents: now what to do?

There are many reasons why parents can feel sorry for having children. The range of factors ranges from the anguish of creation, to the radical change of life and not having the freedom to go out or have fun as before.

In addition, it can also influence fear for the difficult situation in the world, with so many acts of violence, racism, bullying , etc.

What is very clear to anyone is that, without a doubt, having children completely changes a parent’s life. Some claim that it’s like having a tattoo on your forehead: it’s something that will be permanent and that, from birth, will define the wearer forever.

Although many pregnancies are unplanned, without a doubt, parenthood must be taken very seriously and one must consider the sacrifices and changes that the arrival of a new family member will bring. It is a life that you too will have to take care of, for at least 18 years.

regret of having children

repentance as a taboo topic

We live in a society that is guided by appearances, in which, currently, recognizing that we are or think different from what society establishes as normal can be a complete taboo. That would put us in the category of losers or bad people.

From this, it appears that many parents who are facing difficulties in raising their children feel that it is not possible to talk about their regret in relation to fatherhood.

They have this perception out of fear of going against the grain and of being seen as bad people. And even worse: they themselves are afraid to acknowledge their true feelings, realizing that they are truly sorry.

This theme is not only controversial, but also highlights situations that are becoming increasingly latent. For example: the fact that many women decide not to have children, among whom we find many television celebrities.

And now, what to do?

Many couples choose to have children because of social pressure or as a way to fulfill the demands that have been established for centuries as the ultimate goals of a full and successful adult life.

Consequently, when faced with dealing with the myriad responsibilities of parenthood, they mentally collapse.

However, there are multiple ways to handle the situation. The first and most immediate is to talk about your feelings. The help of a professional, whether a psychologist or a psychiatrist, can be comforting. They themselves can guarantee how regularly they deal with the topic of parental repentance in their consultations.

In addition, you can also talk to family or friends about the situations you face with parenthood. The understanding and love of your closest and dear ones always comes as a welcome relief.

tensions between the couple

The self-help literature

If you are the type of person who is interested in self-help literature, many stories and books have been published dealing with the theme of regret in relation to motherhood and fatherhood, giving the testimonies of mothers and fathers who have had a hard time with your children.

They also tell how they managed to deal with the feelings that took hold of them and that did not allow them to have peace. It is always good to remember that depression and any other type of mind alteration is as important as any physical illness.

Finally, if you feel that regret about parenthood is seriously damaging your life, don’t hesitate to ask for help without being afraid to talk about it.

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