Six Fish Recipes For Kids

One of the most nutritious and important ingredients for infant feeding is fish. Fish recipes for children are also quite appetizing.
Six Fish Recipes for Kids

Fish is  a very nutritious food. Therefore, it is important to include certain fish recipes in the family’s diet, and especially in the children’s.

With a little creativity and cunning, it is possible to prepare tasty and attractive recipes  for children. It is important to remember that a large part of the success of food acceptance is in its presentation.

If we give the child a dish that looks very realistic (the fish with everything, including the eyes, for example) he may reject the food, even without trying a piece.

Fish Recipes for Kids

Fish cooking processes can be varied. Boiled, steamed, in the oven or on the grill. And for the most part, all the techniques are  quite simple and healthy. 

1. Salmon soup

Way of doing

Although it is recommended to use salmon, you can use any type of fish. This soup is an excellent food. 

One option is to serve this soup in the traditional way, that is,  with the food cut into pieces, in  addition to mixing all the ingredients in a blender to obtain a cream.

  • Boil a pot with water and a pinch of salt.
  • When the water is at boiling point (boiling), lower the heat.
  • Chop the salmon into small pieces and  remove the bones well.
  • Also cut the vegetables into very small pieces.
  • Bring the pieces of salmon to a boil along with: potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, leeks and carrots.
  • When they are well cooked,  add fresh herbs. 

salmon and vegetable soup

2. Fish puree

Fish puree  has many nutrients. Thanks to its smooth texture, it can be an ideal food on those days when your child has a sore throat or a similar illness. Generally, children love to eat this dish with mayonnaise.

Way of doing

  • Fish can be boiled or  it can also be steamed. 
  • Then, shred the fish with a fork and remove all the bones.
  • Add salt and oil to taste. 
  • To smooth the flavor, mix with mashed potatoes, carrots and pumpkin.

Angel hair with fish balls

Children love angel hair, a food they are used to. Therefore, it is a good idea to introduce a new food together with an acquaintance. In this sense, the little angel hair with fish  is usually very well received by children in general. 

Way of doing

  • Cook your children’s favorite angel hair.
  • Choose a fish with few bones  and put it to cook.
  • Once ready, check carefully for pimples.
  • Shred the fish and season  to taste.
  • Make balls by hand and mix with the angel hair.

tuna sandwich

4. Tuna sandwich

This is another fish recipe for children that is usually very well received by them. Tuna sandwiches are  easy to prepare and very practical  when eating. Sandwiches always appeal to kids. They can be served as a hot or cold dish. But how to make a perfect tuna sandwich?

Way of doing

  • Open a can of natural tuna  and remove excess oil.
  • Mix a can of tuna with mayonnaise and ketchup.
  • Cut a few slices of tomato  and cheese of your choice.
  • In an ovenable baking dish, place the slices of bread to toast.
  • Remove the bread from the oven and add the tuna.
  • On top of the tuna, place the sliced ​​tomato, a lettuce leaf and the cheese.
  • Cover with another slice of bread.

5. Cod dumplings

Way of doing

This is another fish recipe that is very easy to make and incorporate into children’s diets. The dumplings can be made with any type of fish without bones. The cod fritters are very tasty and are considered one of the most traditional.

You will need 2 eggs, 1 cup all-purpose flour, salt and 1/2 cup water. Mix everything together until it forms a paste. Add 200 grams of cod, onion, garlic and parsley, all these ingredients need to be finely chopped. Then make the balls, fry them in hot oil until golden.

6. Burgers


The hamburger is one of the children’s favorite dishes. Your child will love it if you replace the meat with shredded fish. Any fish is good for making a hamburger, but tuna and sardines are even tastier.

Way of doing

  • You will need a fish that has already been cooked, it could be tuna or hake.
  • Shred the fish, and mix it with an egg, a carrot and a chopped onion.
  • Season with a little salt and pepper.
  • Spread it in breadcrumbs and  fry in hot oil until golden.
  • The hamburger can be served with salad, puree or two buns with tomato, lettuce and boiled egg.

Decoration: an important subject

We eat with our eyes first, especially with children. In younger children, especially, it  awakens the desire to eat. A good presentation is a great way to get kids to eat fish without protest.

Drawing on some ingredients faces, animals, landscapes will give the dish a touch of magic that will make your children eat. With creativity and patience, anything is possible. 

If the child gets used to eating fish from an early age, he will certainly keep this food in his diet throughout his life. It can be difficult at first, but after a while the child gets used to it. The sooner you incorporate this new flavor, the  easier it will be for your child to accept it.

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