Screen Dependent Child Syndrome

Do you think your child lives “glued” to the screen? Perhaps he suffers from screen dependent child syndrome. Next, we will explain what this problem consists of.
The Screen Dependent Child Syndrome

Screen-dependent child syndrome has not yet been addressed in any medical or psychiatric manual. However, without a doubt, it is a reality that exists and is increasingly present in society, as there are many children who spend long periods of time “glued” to new technologies.

Faced with this problematic situation, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends “replacing the long periods in which young children remain subject to or engaged in sedentary activities in front of a screen with more active games, while ensuring that they have a enough sleep of good quality”.

Likewise, it is advisable to  replace the screens with books, stories, songs, puzzles, etc. In other words, for pedagogical resources more suitable for the correct development of the little ones.

Screen Dependent Child Syndrome

With that in mind, you may be asking yourself now,  “Does my child have screen dependent child syndrome? What does that mean? What are the consequences?” . Do not worry! Along the following lines, you will discover the answer to all these questions. Pay attention and take note!

The Screen Dependent Child Syndrome

The sedentary lifestyle and digitalization that characterize today’s society are affecting the lifestyle adopted by new generations.

Thus, practically from the moment of their birth, children are surrounded by a multitude of electronic devices that, if not treated with caution, can become a real problem. One of the serious consequences of overexposure of children to screens  is known as screen dependent child syndrome.

This is the term used by pedagogue and speech therapist Tamara Chubarovsky to refer to some children’s addiction to screens. In other words, the abuse they make of new technologies, spending a large part of their time “glued” to a screen, whether on a television, tablet, video game, computer, etc.

What are the consequences of this syndrome?

The screen-dependent child syndrome affects mainly preschool-age children, that is, those between 0 and 6 years old and who are in the process of growth and development. Thus, some of the consequences and negative effects that can be observed in children who suffer from this syndrome are as follows:

  • Increased risk of overweight  because of the consequent sedentary lifestyle of spending too much time in front of the screens.
  • Loss of agility.
  • Difficulty using imagination  and creativity.
  • Difficulty developing skills related to language competence.
  • Inability to have fun without resorting to technology, demonstrating boredom and apathy in these situations.
  • Little interest in the environment  and the world around.
  • Difficulty developing interpersonal intelligence.
  • Sleep Problems.

Coping with screen dependent child syndrome

To deal with the screen-dependent child syndrome, it is necessary that mothers and fathers commit to spend more time with their children  without using, for this purpose, new technologies.

The idea is to  carry out playful activities that stimulate children’s minds and creativity, such as reading stories, singing songs, playing with dolls or board games, preparing simple recipes in the kitchen, etc.

In addition, it is  also advisable to do some physical activity with the family, such as walking, cycling, playing a sport, etc. In this way, it is intended to ensure the physical and mental development of the little ones.

Screen Dependent Child Syndrome

But that  does not mean that it is necessary to ban the use of screens at home. After all, we must accept that new generations belong to the digital age and this is a reality that the little ones cannot be deprived of. However, it is necessary to be aware of the problems that abuse and excessive exposure to this type of device can cause.

In summary, it is  convenient to monitor and limit the time children spend in front of the screens on a daily basis and offer other entertainment options. How about putting these tips into practice?

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