My Son, We Are A Great Team!

My son, we are a great team!

There is no complement in this life greater than ours, my son. We are definitely a great team. I dare say the best of all, no doubt about it. Since you arrived, you have become the engine of my life and my best company.

Confidant, accomplice and companion in adventures. My warhorse when the days are dark. My rainbow in the hours when life shows us its teeth. You are, my heart, a must-have piece in the puzzle of my life.

From the moment I got pregnant, you were part of my existence in a really wonderful way. You are magic and my best work of art. A song to happiness, a tribute to joy. A complete blessing and more. My son, I love you with all my heart.

Trust me, I feel so grateful to share my life with you. I’m proud to be part of this great team that we both fight to move forward. You became the support that sustains me every day, the light that guides my path. You’ve become this light-filled being that I can’t live without.

A great team, full of love

My sweet and everlasting little love, I truly consider that we are a great team marked by the deep love we feel for each other. We are the result of a sacred and immaculate bond, my unconditionality belongs to you day and night.

You became the owner of my thoughts, and today I breathe for two. Luck is on my side every day I wake up and count on the light that your smile radiates. Your voice in the afternoons, and every “Mommy, I love you” in the evening are my reason for living. The smell of life that you spread in every place you pass is an injection of encouragement to continue believing.

great team

Your trust is the most valuable treasure I could have. Your look, a feast of dreams and hopes. Each kiss and each hug confirms to me that there is no better union in the universe than the one we have established as mother and child since I felt her life stirring inside me.

My admiration and my devotion will be yours forever. That’s why, my little piece of heaven, you will always be by my side. I will watch over and protect you from letting anything bad happen. I will help you get up from your stumbling blocks. I will teach you to work around bad times and learn from mistakes.

You will have my best advice and your secrets will be kept for eternity. Nothing can hurt you. You will not know evil and will never be hurt by the blows of life. I will give everything I can to ensure your complete happiness, to infinity.

Companions in good times and bad

Never be afraid of the various difficulties we will face, my little one. Rest assured that we will know how to overcome them together, one by one. Thanks to the love that unites us, it is impossible to fall. It’s just about getting together and winning.

Don’t be mad if you had a bad day. Sit beside me to wait. As the minutes pass, we will enjoy a beautiful afternoon and the sun will shine again. Don’t be scared by the storms because there’s always a lull afterwards.

great team

So, my sun, whenever you need my support, I will be here. You can count on me under any circumstances in the most unconditional way. And no, you don’t need to give me anything in return. I don’t ask for anything because your presence is enough for me.

Your love, affection and loyalty nourish my heart. Your purity, your tenderness and your sweetness are a balm for my soul. I feel your innocence has come to heal my sick world. For all of this and more, I will always believe in you, no matter what.

After all, you’re the one who knows more about me than I do. And I also know how to read your essence like no one else in this world. Trust me blindly as I do you. Believe in the power of this great team. Then, and only then, will you see how everything works out perfectly, thanks to our unbroken love of mother and child.

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