My Son Loves Dinosaurs!

Airplanes, princesses, animals, unicorns… children’s interests evolve with age. In boys, in particular, the interest in dinosaurs is enormous. Find out why your child is so in love with these creatures!
My son loves dinosaurs!

Children are passionate about dinosaurs. In fact, it is very common to see them manipulating the toy collection that includes a multitude of models on the market.

It turns out that dinosaurs are a world unto themselves. There were very varied species: some were tiny, others huge, there were many carnivores, others herbivores, etc.

Today, this world fascinates people of all ages, including children. This passion for dinosaurs often comes from movies and books. His dragon aspect ignites the imagination from the youngest to the oldest, as in spectacular movies like Jurassic Park.

Although modern science has overturned many myths about dinosaurs, these ancient animals continue to work the imagination of children and adults alike. Therefore, we are going to discover together in this article the aspects that lead children to be fascinated with dinosaurs.

Why do children feel passionate about dinosaurs?

1.- They dream of being as strong as they are

Dinosaurs are known to be powerful, fierce, nearly invincible and able to defend themselves. Surely your child would love to be like them!

Keep in mind that for children, who are just beginning to discover the world, these qualities are much admired and desired. They take as an example those creatures who know how to defend themselves and try to imitate them, with the desire to become as powerful as they are.

Playing and imagining being a real dinosaur is a way to experience these qualities and express many facets of your personality, still under construction.

kids who love dinosaurs

2.- They find the story of his disappearance very intriguing

Children’s admiration for dinosaurs also comes from their sudden and inexplicable disappearance. This is a phenomenon that continues to fascinate people of all ages, but one that no doubt leaves the child speechless and with unanswered questions.

Dinosaurs have the same character as mythical animals ; they turn into sci-fi movie characters. They are not real animals like wolves or purely imaginary creatures like dragons.

They have a state of their own in children’s imaginations. They are beings that existed, but with a fundamental peculiarity: they disappeared.

3.- They are proud to be experts

You may have heard about a story that took place at the Natural History Museum in London when they admitted to having confused the legend of a dinosaur, thanks to a 10-year-old boy.

The family and the boy were visiting the museum and, by chance, the 10-year-old boy noticed an error in the name of one of the dinosaurs. He notified a museum employee and, after checking, the gallery recognized the error.

In that sense, children pride themselves on being able to impress their parents with extremely complicated dinosaur names. They know everyone by name and collect books and pictures; in addition, they pay attention to documentaries that tell the lives of dinosaurs.

You will often be surprised by your child’s knowledge. This satisfaction will increase the little one’s interest in the dinosaur world.

4.- They see them as witnesses to the past

Dinosaurs represent the past. A time far from the times of father, mother and grandparents, as they cannot measure this temporal leap.

This makes the child wonder about the origins of the world, how the Earth was, who were the first men, among other questions.

The child who is interested in dinosaurs understands that he belongs to a much larger universe than his family. It’s positive, stimulating and comforting for her.

5.- They are not afraid

Children’s fascination with these creatures is mainly due to the fact that they no longer exist. They lived in a time when man did not yet exist, so their conflicts were foreign to ours.

The fact that these animals do not continue to live today is extremely comforting for your child. They know that these monsters from the past are unlikely to attack you, despite the alleged aggressiveness of most of them.

Finally, keep in mind that your interests tend to be one-off ; just note that the toys you want for one of your birthdays don’t survive until the following year. So don’t worry about your child’s addiction to these creatures.

Also, even a passing interest is good training for your child. It certainly allows you to explore life, stimulate your creativity, acquire a lot of knowledge and arouse curiosity. Maybe one day your child will be an archaeologist specializing in prehistoric creatures!

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