Lactation And Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

The lactation and amenorrhea method allows women not to become pregnant. However, some criteria must be followed.
Lactation and amenorrhea method (LAM)

The lactation and amenorrhea method is a natural birth control technique,  based on the fact that breast milk production causes missed menses. It is a temporary contraceptive method that takes advantage of the fact that natural lactation makes women less likely to conceive.

This is explained by the simple fact that  lactation interferes with the release of hormones needed to trigger ovulation. This is because, during lactation, the amount of estrogen produced by a woman’s body is reduced.

The lactation and amenorrhea method can be used by women who want to avoid pregnancy, as a breastfeeding woman produces less estrogen than normal, does not ovulate, and cannot become pregnant. Therefore, the more you breastfeed your baby, the less likely they are to ovulate.

This is a result of increased prolactin levels. When prolactin levels increase, the production and secretion of another hormone, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, is inhibited.

When gonadotropin-releasing hormone levels are reduced,  a woman’s body also reduces the amount of estrogen produced. It’s simple: ovulation cannot happen without an increase in estrogen levels, and if a woman does not ovulate, she cannot become pregnant.

Lactation and amenorrhea method: mother looking at baby to breastfeed

What are the conditions for following the lactation and amenorrhea method?

The lactation and amenorrhea method is indicated for women who meet the following criteria:

  • They gave birth in the last six months.
  • They are breastfeeding the baby  exclusively or almost exclusively.
  • Have not experienced menstrual bleeding since delivery.

In addition,  women taking medications should check with their physician whether these medications can interfere with the effective use of the lactation method and amenorrhea.

If any of these criteria are no longer met, the woman should start using another contraceptive method if she wants to postpone the next pregnancy.

Benefits of the lactation method and amenorrhea

The lactation and amenorrhea method was created to allow  women to confidently rely on breastfeeding as a family planning method. In addition, it also has many benefits, as you will see below.

  • It has no  side effects.
  • It is  very effective.
  • It can be started immediately after delivery.
  • It’s cheap  as it doesn’t require products or supplies.
  • It contributes to optimal breastfeeding practices  and therefore improves maternal and child health and nutrition.
  • It brings  health benefits for both mother and baby.

What should I consider if I want to use this method?

  • Breastfeed as soon as possible after birth  and stay with the baby for at least several hours after delivery.
  • Breastfeed frequently, both day and night,  and exclusively for the first six months.
  • Continue breastfeeding until the baby is two years old.
  • Avoid using baby bottles  or pacifiers.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should  eat and drink enough to satisfy their hunger and thirst.
  • This method can help improve breastfeeding and weaning patterns.

Lactation and amenorrhea method: mother breastfeeding baby

An effective but limited method

The method requires no special devices or procedures and is easy to use. However, it can only be used effectively for the first six months after giving birth. In any case, the effectiveness of the lactation and amenorrhea method largely depends on its correct use.

The effectiveness of the method depends on the frequency and intensity of breastfeeding. Fertility increases as the frequency of breastfeeding and the amount of breast milk decrease. However, there are no health risks associated with using the lactation method and amenorrhea.

The use of the lactation and amenorrhea method is very limited, as it is only effective during the first six months after birth  for women who are not menstruating and who are exclusively breastfeeding.

Before finalizing, we remind you that, as with any other method, you should  consult your doctor before using the lactation and amenorrhea method as a contraceptive tool.

As with any contraceptive method, the couple should consider the advantages and disadvantages and feel free to choose the method that best suits their needs.

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