Is It Normal For My Kids To Fight All The Time?

Fights between younger siblings are often a normal situation in many families. The causes are very varied: envy, jealousy, possession of toys, etc. It is an important role and duty of parents to intervene in these situations.
Is it normal for my kids to fight all the time?

In matters of parenting and education, sharing experiences with other caregivers is essential in order not to despair. Phrases like “is it normal for my kids to fight all the time?” are much more frequent than parents realize. In this article, we’ll give you some tips to avoid little sibling fights.

When they are small, incisive narcissism makes it difficult to share spaces, affections and toys. Currently, parental models advise respecting children’s phases and processes.

Jokes, fights, jokes…

The fact that the brothers fight is normal, always within certain parameters. In most cases, pranks are what lead to fights.

Normally, when the discussion ends, the children return to playing without rancor. Positive resolution is the desirable goal.

What, yes, should be reason for a consultation with specialists is the permanent aggression. If one of the siblings unjustifiably and repeatedly mistreats the other or others, it may be due to a problem that exceeds the fraternal relationship.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), for example, can provoke excessive reactions in children in relation to those around them.

In any case, parents who provide quality care to their children can also manage, with therapeutic help, for their children with ASD to socialize with their siblings, within the parameters of fights and reconciliations proper to children.

It's normal for my kids to fight

Is it normal for my kids to fight all the time?

The normal thing is that after the fight comes reconciliation. However, sometimes it is the parents themselves who, with their intervention, make it difficult for their children to have a good relationship. 

The doubts are understandable: when to set limits? How to stop a fight? What to do if a child cannot get along with his siblings?

Fights between siblings can go through different stages. First it’s a toy, then a bicycle, a video game, or rivalry in a group of friends. It may be that there is one child who is more conflicted than the others.

Given these situations,  labeling is one of the most frequent errors in parents  who come to a therapeutic appointment asking if it is normal for their children to fight all the time.

Some people make the serious mistake of considering one of their children as “bad” or “unnatural”, constantly blaming them for the fights. For a child, seeing evil as inherent in his person can be devastating. 

Thus, it is essential to talk to children to end this situation and, in addition, parenting based on awareness and respect is desirable.

Reasons for Fights and Forms of Mediation

Identifying the reason for the fight is important: the causes of each child must not be minimized. Furthermore, the apparent reasons often hide fears or insecurities that children are still unable to express.

Therefore, parents must first of all observe and listen. Thus, they will be able to detect what is repeated in each fight.

Asking yourself what makes your kids fight all the time, without being aware of the causes, will make proper intervention impossible. For the little ones’ minds, protecting their toys from being damaged, for example, is understandable and desirable.

It's normal for my kids to fight

It is also important for most children to take care of the bond they have with their parents. Therefore, adult mediation must be, above all, comprehensive and empathetic. Conversations, arguments, and good treatment should be an example set by adults in every home.

If parents are absent too much, whether for lack of time or other problems, children may find fighting a way to express loneliness. They need quality time for themselves and to share with their siblings.

Finally, it is worth noting that the figure of adults must be a great example of dialogue and understanding. You must not only  teach how to share, but also how to listen, stay calm, and forgive those you love.

And then? After reading this text, you can already answer this question: is it normal for my children to fight all the time?

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