How To Stimulate Divergent Thinking In Children

How to stimulate divergent thinking in children

Divergent thinking is intended to stimulate not only logical and structural thinking, but also the creative capacity of each.

Divergent thinking in children is a process that encourages the development of creative ideas.  For this, it proposes the exploration and experimentation of various contexts and problems to create different solutions.

What is the method?

The method argues that thinking, when properly stimulated, occurs naturally, spontaneously. Just like when an idea comes to mind and creates connections with other knowledge and previous experience.

When talking about divergent thinking, there is a clear opposition to traditional linear thinking. While the latter prioritizes the logical and sequential chaining, the former defends the fluidity and spontaneity of creativity.

divergent thinking in children

But this does not mean to exclude or replace logical and structural thinking. On the contrary: the proposals complement each other to stimulate creative capacity. Ideas that arise spontaneously by divergent thinking are further organized by the structures of logic.

First, we let imagination and experience flow freely to stimulate creativity. From the senses and facing different proposals, the children will think of possible solutions. Later, they will use convergent thinking to compare such solutions and choose the most suitable for each situation.

Intelligence, personality and divergent thinking in children

The concept of divergent thinking also proposes us to rethink our definitions and our prejudices about intelligence.

In the past, it was believed that an intelligent child was only one who got good grades in school. Or that he rigorously adapted to patterns of behavior and logical reasoning.

However, experts in divergent thinking in children have been able to observe that intelligence manifests itself in different ways. Each person expresses and develops their potential in a unique way.

The problem is that traditional family and institutional structures do not always make room for other forms of intelligence. This causes children to not be properly stimulated and inhibit sensitivity for not feeling belonging.

Where does creativity come from?

These researchers also demonstrated that creativity does not necessarily depend on the intelligence quotient. It is more linked to certain personality traits, such as:

  • Curiosity.
  • Persistence.
  • Willingness to experiment and take risks.
  • Nonconformity and willingness to overcome oneself.

Happiness and a positive state of mind are also essential for encouraging divergent thinking in children. The same is said in relation to the people with whom he lives and the environment in which he is inserted. In other words: a child raised in healthy relationships and with high self-esteem is usually more curious and creative.

6 exercises to stimulate divergent thinking in children

Experts indicate that each of these six divergent thinking exercises for kids has endless possible solutions. Practicing these exercises with your child is an excellent method to encourage creativity and improve self-esteem.

1.- Coin in coffee

The question is: “There was a coin in my coffee. The cup was full, but the coin did not get wet. Because?”.

2.- An island on fire

We are on an island with lots of vegetation and surrounded by hungry sharks. One side of the island is on fire and the wind is in favor of the fire. What can we do to not get burned?

3.- Two trains in the same tunnel

A train line works both ways. In it, there is a tunnel whose width is not so wide that it has a double line. One day, a train entered the tunnel in one direction and the other too, but in the opposite direction. One didn’t hit the other. But how is this possible?

divergent thinking in children

4.- A parrot

There was a lady who bought a parrot in a bird shop, as the seller told her that the animal would repeat everything it heard. You really liked the idea. A short time later, she returned to the store to complain that her parrot hadn’t said a word. But the seller hadn’t lied to her. Because?

5.- A closed bottle

We have a half-filled bottle of wine and a cork stopper. How can we drink wine without breaking the cork or the bottle?

6.- Bath time!

I’m in a bathroom that isn’t mine and I want to take a shower. But I can’t figure out which is the cold water and hot water tap. What can I do if I want to make sure I turn on the hot water before the cold one?

Divergent thinking in children helps to prepare them for the unexpected and adversities of adult life. In addition, it strengthens self-esteem and encourages discoveries and exploration of new horizons.

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