How To Prepare The Bag For Newborns?

How are newborn bags prepared? How long in advance should they be ready and what should they contain? We’ll tell you everything you need to know to be more than ready to welcome your new family member.
How to prepare the bag for newborns?

How to prepare the bag for newborns? This question is very common for any first-time mother, as it represents one of the most important elements to have on hand when children are born.

The bags contain everything needed for cleaning and general care of the baby, in addition to some items related to breastfeeding. Below, we’ll provide a detailed list of everything you should include. In addition, we will review when you should prepare the bag and leave some general recommendations for its use and transport.

How to prepare the bag for newborns?

Preparing the bag for newborns is one of the activities that can generate more excitement for expectant mothers. Undoubtedly, the elements contained in this suitcase are essential for the care of the baby,  both in the hospital and at home.

Although expectant mothers will certainly start buying items to take to the hospital in advance, it is good that they know exactly what to include, what the recommended amounts are, and by what date everything should be ready to be used and transported.

With all this in mind, let’s present a list with everything that the bag for newborns should contain.

What to Include in Bags for Newborns?

As discussed above, the bag for newborns should contain, mainly, the clothes and cleaning elements necessary for use in the hospital and for the return home. It’s important to know that if you live in a country with seasonal changes, you should include clothing that suits the weather you’ll face when you go out.

What to Include in Bags for Newborns?

It is also essential that the bag is ready at least a month and a half before your due date. This will guarantee peace of mind for the last few minutes and you won’t need to go shopping for the last few months, when the discomfort of walking due to changes in pregnancy will make your job more complicated.

Taking these ideas into account, the list of objects we suggest is as follows:

Hygiene products

  • Newborn diapers.
  • Ointment for diaper rash.
  • Gazes.
  •  Alcohol-free wet towels.
  • Baby soap.
  • Brush for babies.
  • 2 pacifiers.
  • Alcohol-free baby cologne (apply in small amounts on clothes, not on the baby’s skin).


  • 5 blouses.
  • 2 hats.
  • 5 bodys.
  • 1 towel.
  • 5 pajamas.
  • 1 pair of baby gloves.
  • 5 pairs of socks.
  • 1 set of clothes  for leaving the hospital.
  • 2 blankets to wrap the baby.
  • 5 cloth diapers  or small blankets for cleaning.
  • 2 bibs.
  • We recommend  not carrying toys or objects that will later become more of a burden than a useful thing.

Once you’ve chosen the clothes your baby will wear, it’s important to wash them. Cleaning should be done with a neutral and special detergent for babies. Also, you should also not add fabric softener.

With regard to the type of fabric, it is  recommended that all clothing for the newborn be made of cotton and that you avoid any synthetic fabric. For your hat or gloves, you can opt for a soft fleece.

Furthermore, it is important to consider that baby clothes should be comfortable and easy to put on and take off. Discard for these first months clothes that have buttons, straps or even that are too tight.

Newborn Bags

Types of Bags for Newborns

Now that you know the recommended items to put in the bag, it’s time to think about the best model to take to the hospital, considering the practicality and well-being of both yours and the baby’s.

Give preference to bags made with hypoallergenic materials, such as cotton. This will prevent fabrics that emit small particles from causing allergies to your baby’s delicate skin or contaminating your baby’s cleaning utensils and belongings.

Also, look for spacious models with different compartments. This will be helpful for you to find the selected content more easily.

Finally, while the journey to the hospital or clinic can be stressful during the discomfort of labor, simplify your transfer by using bag models that aren’t heavy and have comfortable handles. 

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