How To Build A Healthy Personality In Children

All parents want their children to have a healthy personality that helps them face life’s obstacles and, above all, become successful and happy adults.
How to build a healthy personality in children

One way to achieve a healthy personality in children is to be, as parents, their biggest fans… both in good times and not so good. It is necessary to boost the self-esteem of the little ones so that they feel good. But how to do this correctly?

Many parents think that praising their children in many different ways is the best way to build good self-esteem. But the truth is, this is the smallest part. And, of course, as long as the compliments are right and made at the right time.

Therefore, if you want your child to have a healthy personality, you should also consider other essential points:

  • Children must make their own decisions
  • They must learn to solve problems
  • They have to feel able to take risks.

Of course, from these three points that are essential for a good development of children’s personality, your help, your help, your love, your understanding and your respect are not exempt. But on top of that, don’t miss out on the other tips we’ll give you below on how to build a healthy personality in kids.

To create a healthy personality, don’t overpraise

Too much praise can do more harm than good to children’s self-esteem. The truth is that little ones will have more self-esteem if they feel loved and secure. This will make them feel capable of accomplishing anything. It is necessary to praise the effort more than the result.

healthy personality

If you praise your child too much, you will be lowering the goal. If you tell him he’s always doing everything right, he doesn’t need to develop the motivation to excel. Confidence comes from effort, from trying and failing, but, above all, from trying again until you have the satisfaction of making it.

Responsibilities at home

To build children’s self-esteem so that they have a healthy personality, it is necessary that they have opportunities to demonstrate their competence and that they feel that their help makes a big contribution to the rest.

That is why it is essential to give children responsibilities at home according to their age. It can be helping in the kitchen, setting the table or making the beds, for example. That way, when they grow up, you won’t have to struggle to get them to do the household chores.

let take risks

Of course, you should be the guide in these risks. But it is necessary for your child to start assuming them in order to be able to have confidence in the world and in himself. You must learn to make decisions and take responsibility for them. Letting the child decide what to do is one way of getting them to take risks.

An example is: if your four-year-old has a jug of juice in his hands and wants to carry it alone, you can allow him to do so. If he drops to the ground, he will have to find a solution to the disaster, just as successful adults do: they look for solutions to the problem that has occurred.

healthy personality

Allow them to make their own decisions

To increase their children’s confidence, it is very important that they learn to make their own decisions (with age-matched freedom). In this way, children feel more powerful and will begin to understand the consequences of their decisions.

For example, if you let your child decide whether or not to wear a coat in winter, he or she can begin to differentiate between being protected and being cold. This is a way to learn to have control over your own body and to be able to take responsibility for your decisions.

Encourage people to pursue their own interests.

Another important way for children to build healthy personality and good self-esteem is to encourage them to follow their own interests and make sure they make it to the end. It doesn’t matter what it is. It could be swimming, athletics, or breaking a video game record. What matters is conveying the value of perseverance, and making them able to finish what they started.

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