Find Out What Your Baby Does While In The Womb

Babies are extraordinary beings and behave like that since they are in the womb.

What your baby does while in the womb  is as fascinating as how he behaves each time he’s in your arms.

Although he is not yet aware of how humans behave or what all the adventures he does are for, he remains constantly active.

If you want to know what your little baby might be doing at these times, we invite you to continue reading.

This article was written especially to kill the curiosity of those mothers who love to follow each month, week, and even minute, the  development  of their baby.

the baby listens to you

The baby listens to your heartbeat. This will be one of the sounds that will calm you the most and make you happy when you are out of your womb. 

But beyond your heart, your baby can hear your voice and those around you.

your baby sucks his thumb

A few hours after your birth, when you start to breastfeed, your baby starts sucking milk.

At first he will do this with some difficulty, he may not even feel interested; but in a short time he will be feeding on your help as easily as if he were trained for it.

So, in I’m Mommy we can tell you that  many babies actually “train” to suck their mother’s milk, and do so by sucking their thumbs while they are still in the womb.

your baby has the hiccups

Your baby may have hiccups, even more than you might think. This is quite common even more during the last trimester of pregnancy.

Some experts point out that these spasms may show another way to prepare your organs for life outside the womb.

Contracting your diaphragm and bringing amniotic fluid into your lungs helps you exercise these structures.

Your baby has facial gestures

After the sixth month, your baby may usually blink.

As if mastering the emotions of adult humans, your baby will smile, frown, and make other facial gestures while inside your womb.

Your baby has a routine of life

Even though it sounds funny, your baby follows a routine of life while he’s inside you.

When completing the seventh month, he will already have the defined times that he will normally use in various “tasks”.

It will wake up, it will move, it will continue to sleep… One hour for each activity.

Find out what your baby does while in the womb

In addition to all the wonders we’ve already told you, we want you to know that while you’re watching television, taking a shower, resting, or talking, your baby is busy too.

At first you’re busy feeding and developing as much as you can, before going out into the world, and then doing things you can’t even imagine.

While in the womb your baby will be:
• Opening and closing his little fists
• Touching his little face
• Dreaming
• Playing with the umbilical cord
• Giving little kicks
• Rubbing his eyes
• Sleeping
• Moving and turning
• Swallowing amniotic fluid when he has greater concentration of sugars
• Urinating
• Playing with you (if you give your tummy a few punches the baby will respond with twirls and little kicks)
• Touching your feet
• Sticking your tongue out
• Turning upside down as the time of birth approaches .

As you can see,  your baby’s development inside your womb is not just about feeding inside the umbilical cord.

Finally, as a human being,  your brain and body prepare for life abroad; developing “now that he has time to spare”, all the functions that will allow him to become a fully capable boy or girl.   

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