Consequences Of Sleeping Late For Children

“Go to sleep, if not, it won’t grow.” This is certainly one of the most heard phrases during childhood, as adults of past generations used to use it as a justification for intimidating children and making them go to bed early.
Consequences of Sleeping Late for Children

But what are the consequences of sleeping late for children according to psychiatry?

In this article, we’ll reveal the startling claims made by science, which argue that children who sleep late are prone to more inconvenience.

No doubt this is a very controversial position. But let’s see below at least what this research refers to.

Putting kids to bed late according to science

Are you part of this group of mothers who usually put their child to bed late, or even, even though you take him to bed early to get him used to this sleep routine, he can’t sleep until his battery runs out?

Then in the mornings you are inevitably inundated with a barrage of typical and common complaints about when he has to get up early.

In this regard, there is a new and very controversial study that states that “going to bed early” makes a huge difference in both the growth and development of children.

These were the conclusions of Dr. José Ferreira Belisario, a renowned pediatric psychiatrist.

According to studies carried out by the physician with a respectful trajectory , changes in our habits and lifestyles directly impact and influence the future of children.

Problems such as lack of attention, increased anxiety and various other disorders are presented.

Nowadays, going to bed before 10 pm is not a common reality.

According to Dr. Belisario’s reports, the case that is most repeated is the frequent search of these families for doctors due to the consequences suffered by children when they sleep late.

sleep late

Is it possible to change these habits?

While it is possible to change some sleep habits, it is worth clarifying that this will also involve changing the habits of the whole family.

Your little one won’t want to go to bed early if he notices the whole house is still awake.

Therefore,  experts recommend preparing the room and turning off all the lights in the house.

Another tip that the consulted doctor added is the lighting in the house. It is good, at least, to pay special attention to the lighting in the rooms and bedrooms.

White lights should be avoided in these rooms, preferably opting for yellow lights. That’s because it’s a warmer light that relaxes and favors sleep.

According to Dr. Belisario, it is also not convenient to use certain electronic devices such as cell phones or tablets right before bed.

For this expert, these devices are actually the great nocturnal villains because they wake people up at night.

sleep late

But why shouldn’t we put the kids to bed late?

According to several scientific studies, children should go to bed early for a simple and basic reason: growth hormone always acts at 00:30 in most people, but it does so only during the fourth stage of sleep.

Taking this into account, if the child goes to bed at 22 or 23 hours, this hormone will have a considerably reduced time to act, which negatively affects its growth.

To carry out this study, children who slept early and children who slept late were submitted to math tests.

The brain images of these two groups were compared. The result showed that the first group had an excellent performance compared to the second group, in which only a small part can stand out.

The researchers hypothesized, but without any confirmation, that possibly the child who sleeps less or sleeps poorly tends to retain less information than children who rested better.

These, even, become adults less likely to develop diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

However, the specialist in child psychiatry noted that this mental illness can be prevented through physical exercise and sleep time.

“The more the better,” said the doctor. Later, he also stated that parents should encourage and get their children to practice sports from a very young age.

Without a shadow of a doubt, this is a survey that will still bring a lot of discussion. The debate is presented and, for a change, the waters are divided.

That’s why, in Sou Mama, we want to know what your opinion is about these controversial statements. Do you agree with them?

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