Best Sleep Positions During Pregnancy

Almost all pregnant women suffer from sleep disorders. This happens especially from the third trimester of pregnancy when, due to the size of the belly, women find it difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep.
Best Sleep Positions During Pregnancy

The inconveniences of sleeping during pregnancy manifest themselves in different ways.

There are those who suffer from insomnia, other women find it difficult to find a comfortable position and there are those who are unable to take a long rest, being able to sleep only for short periods of time.

Added to all this are the constant movements of the baby and the increase in abdominal volume, which limits postures for peaceful sleep.

Some doctors claim that there is no general advice for the best positions, as each body finds a natural way to sleep.

However, it should be noted that some positions are more uncomfortable and risky for the mother and baby.

Sleeping with your mouth up when you are very advanced in pregnancy makes the uterus rest on the spine, intestines and inferior vena cava, a vein that carries all the blood from the lower half of the body to the heart.

This leads to pain around the waist, slower digestion, greater predisposition to hemorrhoids, and a drop in blood pressure with respiratory discomfort, tachycardia, or palpitations. All this just for sleeping on your back!

If you are in the habit of sleeping on your back or on your back, it is important to try to strictly change your position, trying to sleep on one side – either the right or the left – which will benefit both you and the baby .

Also, placing a pillow between your knees helps you to be more comfortable.

Recommended positions

positions for

One of the positions most recommended by experts is to rest on your left side. The reason is because the liver is located on the right side of the abdomen. So if you sleep on your left side, you will prevent the uterus from resting on that organ.

In addition, another thing that is beneficial in this position is that the large veins are on the right side of the spine and, therefore, are less compressed, preventing edema, for example.

It also favors the transport of blood to the placenta, providing greater amounts of oxygen and nutrients for the baby and helping to reduce swelling in the feet.

On the side with a pillow between the legs

That way you’ll keep your spine straight and avoid shifting your weight from one leg over the other.

On the other hand, you can also use longer pillows that allow you to support your belly, which will give you more security.

feet up

If you suffer from poor circulation, swollen ankles or feathers, and a feeling of being swollen like a balloon, you can try sleeping with your legs up, propped up on some pillows.

This will help the circulation to flow and will prevent varicose veins and stinging or cramping.

semi-seated position

positions for

If you have a stomach ailment, reflux or if any food has not gone well, one of the most recommended postures in these cases is to be semi-sitting with the help of pillows or pillows for support.

The purpose is always to be comfortable, mainly promoting good blood circulation.

Although it is difficult to maintain the same position all night, it is very important to avoid sleeping on your back, as in this position the weight of the uterus harms the spine, the intestines (large and small), the main veins and the muscles of the back.

Thus, this posture can cause muscle pain, hemorrhoids and circulation problems for you and the baby.

Another contraindication to this sleeping position is that it can lower blood pressure, which can cause dizziness.  There are cases of mothers whose pressure has notably decreased by sleeping on their backs.

And not least, this position can also cause you to snore and suffer from sleep apnea. Therefore, even though it is very difficult to change your position at bedtime, it is recommended that you do not sleep on your back.

Throughout your pregnancy, look for your most comfortable way to sleep well.

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