Being A Caring Mother Is Not Spoiling Your Child

Being a caring mother is not pampering your child

Demanding mothers, permissive mothers, mothers who demonstrate, “cooler” mothers, or modern mothers. As you can see, there are mothers of all kinds. However, the most criticized and questioned are usually the most dedicated and selfless. However, rest assured that being a caring mother is not necessarily pampering your child.

Being overprotective, not being able to be so permissive, living always worried and being clingy, with so much maternal love. There is always a reason to criticize. So, dear Mom, it’s time to close your ears and follow your instincts that are rarely wrong.

If you are a caring mother, don’t mind being criticized for your behavior, and simply show all these wonderful things you feel for your child. There is nothing more beautiful than a happy child who knows he is loved by his mother. Your child’s personality, self-esteem and emotional intelligence will thank you in the future.

Is it really so? Yes and more. Because with your multiple and varied expressions of affection and affection, you are not harming your child, as many people believe. For, in this way, you actually provide a great deal of benefits both to this immaculate relationship between mother and child, and to his healthy development. Find out what these benefits are.

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First, it is worth making a vital distinction: being a caring mother does not imply being a permissive mother. That’s why so many psychologists advocate showing affection towards children, since showing affection is never synonymous with pampering. Because the only thing that causes negative effects is the lack of limits, rules and discipline.

Therefore, it is essential not only to love your little one with all your strength, but also to make him feel this love clearly. A kiss, a hug and a caress in the morning should be as necessary and mandatory as the daily breakfast. No wonder, see the positive effects of being a loving mother:

  • Strengthens the bond between mother and child. What could be better than all that affection and admiration to nurture a union as sacred as this one? In this way, it is possible to provide more confidence, an essential element to build a solid education. It will be easier to explain the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ of childhood. And so everyone will gain from childlike obedience compared to family boundaries and norms. Likewise, the secrets between them are eliminated.
  • The child feels protected by his mother and his self-esteem The little one is no longer afraid of adversity, as he/she finds support in his/her mother and feels capable of facing the situation. Motherly love gives strength and nurtures courage. Being a caring mother sooner or later makes a child feel invincible, indestructible. Furthermore, by constantly feeling the mother’s affection, this child feels secure in himself.


    • Develops emotional intelligence. There is nothing more important than knowing how to manage emotions to use them to our advantage. Without a doubt, good emotional intelligence makes any child a happy child. Thus, being a caring mother helps your child in this aspect, as he learns to control various feelings and deal with frustration.
    • It favors communication and fights introversion. Given all of the above, it is clear that this child will have no problem talking to his mother. This mother became the child’s confidant, no matter what the topic. And that same successful communication helps the child to be more outgoing. This child can overcome fear and shyness when relating to other people.
    • Empathy and affection for the child. Finally, these little ones will be able to be more empathetic with other people, being able to show affection and understanding for their friends. In general, they will face fewer complications when they need to express their emotions.

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