Are Mid-morning Naps Necessary For Kids?

For children, mid-morning naps not only restore energy but also help strengthen memory. Therefore, it is necessary to know how long they should rest and what is the best time to sleep.
Are mid-morning naps necessary for children?

A short afternoon nap replenishes our energy. In the case of children,  mid-morning naps are essential as they allow for healthy growth.

So you may wonder how long these rest periods should last, or how old children should sleep during the day. Next, we will review this subject.

How old are mid-morning naps necessary?

The smaller the children, the more hours of sleep they need. It is most recommended that children up to two years of age take three naps a day. Naps can be divided as follows:

  • Mid-morning: For babies between 4 and 9 months, each nap should last at least 3 hours.
  • After lunch: as the child grows, sleep time may decrease. However, it is important that she does not stop napping at this time.
  • After having played in the afternoon: just like the first nap, it is only necessary for babies under 1 year of age.

It should be noted that up to the age of five, it is still important to have two naps a day. In the absence of one of them, the nap should last at least an hour.

Do not think that if your child sleeps during the day, he will not be able to sleep at night. This belief is false because, in fact, napping can help you relax and sleep better in the evening. Also, the child will not wake up as often at night because of nightmares.

The mid-morning nap is important for children.

Benefits of mid-morning naps for kids

Naps not only allow children to relax, but also help to regain energy lost during the day. As a result, they will be in a good mood, not feel tired or have hyperactivity problems.

Also, you can be calmer because this rest can prevent possible tantrums and tantrums. You can also take the opportunity to rest and do other activities you need.

Another benefit is that by getting the proper amount of sleep, children will be more willing to accept the food you offer. So they will grow up healthy and strong.

Furthermore, everything learned during the day is recorded in memory during sleep. This will result in smarter children with good memory capacity.

How to make children nap?

While most children like nap time, there are others who, although they need to, don’t want to go to bed. This can be because they want to keep playing and feel they will waste time if they go to sleep.

Still, there are some signs that little ones show when they need to sleep, so make no mistake. For example, they can get very irritable, yawn constantly, rub their eyes, and want more bottle.

This is the perfect time to go to bed. If you wait too long, it will be harder for the child to fall asleep later. Also, it is important to try to maintain a good routine with a fixed time so that bedtime will become more and more natural.

a good place to sleep

So that the child doesn’t sleep anywhere, make it a habit to take a nap in bed. That way she will always try to rest in the same place.

In this sense, it is recommended that the environment of the house be calm and without too much noise. Anyway, it’s okay to get used to a little noise, especially if the child has other siblings.

In order for the little one to learn to differentiate between night sleep and day sleep, you can leave the room lit up. The lamp doesn’t necessarily have to be on, just leave the window or door ajar to let in light.

The mid-morning nap is important for children.

have a good routine

Mid-morning naps should last between 45 minutes and an hour. However, if the child sleeps only once a day, it is recommended that he sleep in the afternoon for a maximum of 2 hours.

Also, establish a daily schedule and try to stick to it. Thus, the child’s biological clock will get used to this routine. That way, it will be easier for her to sleep at about the same time each day.

Another thing that can help little ones fall asleep is relaxing music. However, keep in mind that every child is different. You should get to know your child and see what works best for him to avoid insomnia.

Finally, remember that mid-morning naps are very important and beneficial for children. But beware: too much sleep is counterproductive. So, strive to maintain a good sleep routine with your children.

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