Why It’s Good For Children To Learn To Write By Hand

Writing by hand is fundamental in the teaching and learning process. Also, it is necessary to succeed in life.
Why it's good for children to learn to write by hand

Is handwriting becoming a lost art? The emergence of technology in and out of the classroom means that, overall, fewer children are writing by hand. However, many psychologists and educational experts argue that  writing by hand, in both block and cursive, is still a very valuable skill.

The ability to write by hand is something that should not be lost for anything in this world. People are lucky to be able to translate through their own words what they are feeling, what they want to convey or learn. But why is it so good for children to learn to write by hand?

Preparing to write by hand

Young children stimulate the main parts of the brain they need to read when they are learning to write. The act of drawing or writing on a blank paper activates parts of the brain that adults use to read and write, while  drawing or tracing letters has significantly weaker stimulation.


Greater productivity and creativity

Writing by hand increases productivity and creativity as different brain pathways are used. Writing by hand allows children to produce more words faster and express more ideas than typing on a computer, for example. During writing, brain regions associated with cognition, language and working memory are activated.

Improvement in learning difficulties when writing by hand

People with learning difficulties seem to benefit from knowing how to write by hand, especially in cursive. Teaching children cursive letters can help treat dyslexia. Learning how to move words from left to right on the page and developing fine motor skills to avoid inverting the letters, such as confusing “b” with “d”, seems to help children.

In addition, cursive can also help with writing speed, readability and correct spelling of words, possibly because the letters are connected on paper and therefore in memory.

Improved listening learning

College students who take notes using a computer do no better than those who write them down by hand. Writing by hand helps to retain information better. This is because the information received is transcribed in the words themselves, which reinforces the learning of the content learned at that moment.

Connecting to history by writing by hand

Think about it: Children will only be able to read the original versions of important historical documents if they learn to read cursive or handwritten letters. They will only be able to  decipher handwritten documents if they know that the letters can have many different formats.

Each person has their own font that has nothing to do with the printed or computer type. In addition, many old letters, documents, and family recipes are also in cursive, so knowing how to read this typeface can have significant personal value.


A unique way to communicate

A handwritten note is more unique, personalized and thoughtful than a text message or email. We all know how special it is when children hand-write letters to Santa Claus and cards to their loved ones,  or when we receive a letter of thanks written in the mail. And there is nothing more original than the handwritten signature itself.

Writing by hand is so special that there is no reason why it should be replaced by writing on a computer. Writing on a computer is fine, no doubt, but as long as reading and writing are well established in children. Also, writing by hand is something that should never be replaced by writing on a computer through new technologies.

Furthermore, it is also something connected with the emotions, with the heart, with the mind and with the memory. Therefore, writing by hand should always be a priority in children’s learning.

Comprehensive reading and writing are the foundation of everything if we are to succeed in life. Therefore, encourage this type of writing in your children whenever you have the opportunity, such as making a grocery list, leaving thank you notes, writing an emotional journal, etc.

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