The Importance Of A Sense Of Humor In Education

In recent years, the use of a sense of humor in education has attracted the attention of experts. The benefits that this offers are diverse, ranging from the emotional to the way learning is conceived. Getting to know them opens up expectations for new ways of teaching and learning.
The importance of a sense of humor in education

A valid premise today is that a happy person is more willing to learn. Hence the importance of a sense of humor in education.

This is especially necessary when imparting knowledge to children, as laughter can become a mediating strategy for learning.

Humor-related learning is believed to be remembered longer. This also facilitates the relationship between teacher and student, characterized by open and effective communication, promoting reciprocity in the process.

How to use a sense of humor in education?

Using a sense of humor in education does not mean being fun, funny or using jokes to ensure laughter.

Rather, it means learning to expose knowledge to be taught from a joyful and beneficial point of view.

If students or children find learning fun, they can memorize it better.

At the same time, they will remember what was meant by this idea.

Tools often used to use a sense of humor in the classroom are generally:

  • Personal episodes, stories, analogies, metaphors, among others.
  • Letters, short reports, occurrences, observations, games and posters.
  • Children’s language, so that everything is familiar to them and so they can escape the formality that can cause resistance to learning.

Ideally, use your sense of humor without having to become a clown.

The main objective is to use humor as a didactic resource to help mediate the educational process.

With this, the creative solutions that are attributed to different reasonings will last longer in children’s minds.

sense of humor in education

7 Benefits of Teaching with a Good Sense of Humor

Undoubtedly, humor and laughter play an important role in learning, especially for children.

In addition, it provides social, psychological and mental benefits, as it attracts, favors personal relationships and helps to retain a concept.

Other advantages can be summarized as follows:

1. Has a motivating function

This occurs when the barrier between teacher and student is removed.

Furthermore, greater interest and enthusiasm for the information learned is created, as it provides a critical and youthful view of reality.

On the other hand, it allows, when making mistakes, the student does not feel embarrassed for asking questions that seem simple.

2. Reduces stress

A good sense of humor relieves physical tension and reduces nervousness.

The result is a reduction in stress which, by preparing the body for action, blocks the ability to understand and retain information.

Also, a good sense of humor helps to channel the bad experiences or conflicting situations you are going through.

3. Stimulates creativity

Acquiring learning with humor favors the development of skills that generate unique styles in each individual.

Furthermore, by inciting lateral thinking, it reveals new connections that enhance the imagination.

4. Favors problem solving

When looking at problems from the point of view of humor, the established order of various aspects is reversed.

This helps to see life from another point of view, as well as taking risks and challenges. Also, acceptance of errors is encouraged.

5. Stimulates socialization

When the child grows up in a youthful, joyful and stress-free environment, he transmits serenity, security and confidence.

These qualities give you a magnetic effect that allows you to befriend almost any individual.

6. It has a didactic, therapeutic and pedagogical function

An environment where a sense of humor is used in education, streamlines and strengthens teaching and learning.

This favors a motivating and pleasurable process that serves in the construction of educational projects for meaningful learning.

Likewise, it also resolves psychological and emotional disorders as it works as a form of group therapy.

sense of humor in education

7. Provides a pleasant environment

Another advantage of a sense of humor in education is that it provides children with a supportive psychological environment.

In this way, aggressive and violent attitudes are significantly reduced and learning is favored.

In short, a sense of humor in education is important because of the benefits it offers children.

Using it in a balanced way will help them take a realistic approach to life and prepare them to face future challenges.

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