When Is Bed Rest Recommended During Pregnancy?

Bed rest during pregnancy is a common measure recommended by obstetricians to assist in the treatment of various pathologies. Let’s describe the reasons for this recommendation and give some tips for its implementation.
When is complete bed rest recommended during pregnancy?

During any stage of pregnancy, your doctor  may recommend bed rest if he or she feels that your life or your child’s may be in danger. But when exactly is bed rest recommended during pregnancy?

We know that this subject can be controversial, because, although this indication is something completely at the discretion of the obstetrician,  diagnoses can move from absolute rest to relative rest. So the limits on what you are allowed to do or not do during this rest also vary.

For that reason, the approach to this subject that we’ll present here might be helpful for you. Let’s tell you, in an informative way, when it is recommended to take bed rest during pregnancy. However, none of the suggestions presented here imply failing to follow your doctor’s recommendations.

When is complete bed rest recommended during pregnancy?

When an obstetrician recommends bed rest for a pregnant woman, he starts with a study of the conditions of the pregnancy from which it is determined whether she may be at high risk. A high-risk pregnancy is one that has factors or symptoms that could have a negative impact on the health of the mother and baby.

The determining factors for a pregnancy to be considered at risk and for the mother to take special measures, such as rest, are varied. In some cases,  this decision is made from the first weeks of pregnancy. In others, it may be closer to the final stage. Undoubtedly, in extreme cases, rest may be indicated throughout the entire pregnancy.

Although it may not seem like it, the recommendation of bed rest for a pregnant woman is a very common occurrence. According to statistics, 20% of all pregnant women in one year receive this medical indication. Now let’s review the specific causes that lead to this recommendation.

Pregnant lying down on bed rest during pregnancy

Medical causes to indicate bed rest

According to obstetricians, some of the reasons why it is recommended that a pregnant woman take bed rest are:

  • Hypertension or pre-eclampsia.
  • Cervical problems : either because they have arisen during pregnancy or in women who have suffered burns or cuts in the cervix from treatments against HPV.
  • Intense and frequent contractions before the end of pregnancy.
  • Bruising in the gestational sac.
  • Lower back pain or sciatica.
  • Stress or physical and mental fatigue.

Certainly,  all of these conditions can trigger the loss of the baby and are considered a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, rest is one of the first measures usually indicated, in addition to other specific treatments for each case.

Controversies over bed rest

The controversy surrounding the indication of bed rest for a pregnant woman has increased as medical studies have advanced. The starting point is that rest is a preventive measure that, in any case, helps to treat the main causes.

However, many experts believe that it is not possible to prove that this indication can actually solve any of the specific complications of pregnancy.

From a psychological point of view, the opinion is quite favorable. This science claims that bed rest is beneficial to the pregnant woman. Being able to stay calm, relaxed and feeling that you are contributing to the baby’s well-being contributes to the mother’s recovery, whatever the pathology.

Practical tips during bed rest

Of course, during the period of bed rest, two things can happen. The first is that, in fact, the mother can be calmer and regain the strength to feel better.

On the other hand, the second possibility is that at some point the opposite happens and  the patient feels bored, tired of inactivity and even feels some pain in her back and legs. With these two scenarios in mind, the following practical tips should be considered:

  • The pregnant woman’s room should be equipped  with the furniture of her choice and with many books and magazines that are to her liking.
  • Having frequent visits from family and friends  is more than welcome, so that she doesn’t feel alone, inactive or isolated.

doctor exposing pregnant

  • Doing isometric leg gymnastics exercises or light massage of the limbs and back is also very helpful.
  • Eating  well and without committing excesses will avoid discomfort and, consequently, will promote the feeling of well-being and comfort.

Finally, we want to say that if you need to take bed rest on the recommendation of your obstetrician, it  is good that you maintain a positive and calm attitude. Take this time and take the opportunity to rest without having to worry.

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