How Long Should You Expect To Split Up Because Of Your Kids my

If our marriage doesn’t work out after all, finding the right time to separate healthily for your children may not seem easy, here are some recommendations for how to deal with it.

The couple’s relationships can present problems from time to time, many of the reasons focus on the difficulty of communication,  but to think about divorce one must think about more than one isolated inconvenience, the reasons must be multiple and of an important character.

How long should you wait to separate, thinking of your children:  If you’ve tried different methods, such as couple therapy, putting yourself in the other’s shoes, being patient when necessary, or regaining the other’s love, you should wait and recognize the time to separate taking into account your children.

Living in constant nonconformity, bitterness, unrest, fights or screaming makes the family environment a harmful place for all family members, the  more habitual the hostile environment, the more negative the lifestyle in the house.

Couple issues should be resolved as discreetly as possible, as children are sensitive to conflict and may adopt negative attitudes such as little control over anger, distress and worry. 

wait or finish

The only reason we can prolong the decision to divorce or not is if we can recover the marriage. Otherwise, if the couple cannot avoid the fights every time they come into contact with the other, it is pointless to continue the tensions over the children.

It is useless to live in a healthy family environment under these circumstances, even because it  can influence the development of children in a negative way,  it is only worth waiting if there is still love and the practice of moral values.


The ideal way to have children is with a consolidated marriage, but affection and love are often lost due to recurring conflicts. Accepting that things don’t always go as planned is the first step we must internalize. 

Healthy family relationships when it comes to children, is built under the shackles of respect, tolerance and constancy. If as a couple it was not possible to achieve these concepts, separately you will have to put them into practice for the child’s development.

What is the appropriate age?

There are some doubts about how old children should be for mothers to be able to separate, but the  younger they are, the better they will have to adapt to another lifestyle due to limited memory and lack of awareness of what divorce means.

No age determines the right time for children to divorce, each stage of childhood is different and each child has a different personality, but the older the child, the more difficult it can be for you to explain to her why it is a good option for them.

Divorce Affects Children

Divorce affects children whatever the reasons and proportions, but parents have a responsibility to alleviate this suffering. Every time the child cries, keep in mind that the situation is for everyone’s good.

Drying tears with smiles, calming frustrations with patience, and replacing your stress with the understanding you will be offering will demonstrate to the child that they can count on both of you,  and that building divorce can develop a beautiful friendship.

Divorce is built

Although divorce is, in essence, a marital separation and lacks a sense of being marital together for your children, it does not mean that once they are divorced they will never again have contact with each other.

A divorce is built and this option is conveyed directly to the children, the construction of a divorce must be carried on indefinitely to offer them a normal family environment as children deserve. Paternity and maternity in divorce should be used as follows:

  • Respect for the maternal and paternal figure must be offered to the child by both parents.
  • Parents must not disallow each other.
  • There must be communication and those responsible must not miss events that are important to the child.
  • Despite the marital failure, it is recommended that the child perceives an empathetic relationship.

    Divorce should be carried out naturally and shown that somehow things will work perfectly that way until the goal is reached. You should never wait to be separated just for the sake of your children, on the contrary, you should separate for your well-being if the situation doesn’t come back. 

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