The Guide For Those Who Want To Visit Newborn Babies

We’ve all had to visit newborn babies at one time or another. However, we certainly ask ourselves if we are in agreement with what is expected of the visitor. How is the right way to act? How should I behave? Will I bother the baby or the parents?

Visiting Newborn Babies

In order for our visit to the newborn to be a happy moment and not disturb the family of the baby we visit, we will give you a series of advice that will be very useful and accurate.

Avoid seeing newborns if you are sick

Parents will love to see their baby receive their first visits, but it is also true that they will care, like any parent, to keep their baby from getting sick.

So the most sensible thing for us if we have a cold or illness is not to visit the baby. The parents will be enormously grateful and the little one too.

Tell parents before going to visit newborn babies

Through a phone call or sending a message, we can make sure that our visit will not cause a nuisance. Maybe by the time we plan to go, Mom is feeding the baby or taking care of something. Therefore, never make a surprise visit, on the contrary, plan the visit well.

visit newborn babies

If you notice that there are a lot of people, be careful

Before visiting the hospital or the newborn’s home, make sure that there are not too many people. The truth is that sometimes it is very difficult to control the issue of the presence of many people, as family and friends, everyone will want to be there.

So if you arrive and find more people than you anticipated, as well as realizing that your visit will overburden the parents more than help, leave. Perhaps, you can leave the visit for a more opportune time.

don’t wake the newborn

We all know how bad it is when someone wakes us up when we’re asleep. Newborns also need to have their rest respected. So you should never ask parents to wake up the baby to see who he looks like and what color his eyes are.

Beware of the advice you give parents when visiting newborn babies

Unless you are asked directly, never give your opinion of what you would or would not do. Giving your opinion only bothers parents and reminds them of the little or no experience they have with parenting.

Experience is acquired throughout parenthood, and what works for some doesn’t work for others. So be careful and you’ll do fine.

Always wash your hands when touching the newborn

If the parents don’t directly tell you to pick up the child, resist the temptation. It’s true that newborns arouse tenderness in everyone, and we want to hold them in our arms, but if they won’t let you touch the baby, then don’t.

If you are going to pick up the baby, always do this with clean hands, as we know that hands are full of germs and we don’t want the child to get sick.

The place of kisses when visiting newborn babies

We must resist the urge to kiss the baby when we take him in our arms. There will be parents who don’t care and others who are bothered by it, so avoiding this will always be a way to get it right.

In case we can’t resist kissing him, the best thing is to do it on his little feet, because it’s the proper way in which we won’t transmit diseases to him, if we kissed on his little face or hands.

help the parents what you can

The visit will be good if, on the one hand, we manage not to disturb and, on the other, help. To do this, offer your help for whatever it takes. Perhaps it is taking care of the needs of the other children, if there are others besides the newborn, or shopping, cleaning the house or any other task that is very well received by the parents.

If we take the initiative to help with whatever it takes, it will be a breeze for already stressed dads.

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