How Do Mothers Remember Everything?

Mothers develop skills that are envied by everyone. Their infinite love definitely makes them our everyday heroines.
How do mothers remember everything?

Many people wonder how mothers remember everything. How do they manage to do this? Do they have super powers? Or do they have an unsurpassed memory? These questions arise whenever mothers surprise their children with their good memory. Again and again, they remember things in minute detail.

We often believe that mothers have real special powers as they do amazing things. However, the truth is that just the act of giving life to another being makes them powerful people in the eyes of their children and everyone around them.

The woman has the great blessing of carrying her child in her womb for nine months. From the moment she learns about the baby on the way, her body opens up to a multitude of sensations.

Mothers have many gifts. For example, being filled with a pure and unconditional love that only they know how to give. Furthermore, they impose discipline in a unique way, with firmness and tenderness, and always with a protective and educational tone.

In addition, they are also an unshakeable guide to their children. They overflow knowledge, support, advice and company at the right times. They are also always willing to give their children what they need: they pamper and please, but without exaggeration. They know how to keep their balance.

But the most surprising thing is that they have an enviable memory. They can always remember many things in an instant.

The explanation of how mothers remember everything

The reason for this phenomenon is that, during pregnancy, the mother’s brain shrinks. This helps to restructure it and increase hippocampal connections.

Neural structures begin to change. The brain is preparing to assume the role it will play from now on and for the rest of its life.

The explanation of how mothers remember everything

As a result, the senses are refined, feelings surface, and memory is automatically activated, storing everything that happens during pregnancy. That’s why we always talk about how mothers remember everything. It’s simply your instinct.

From the moment of delivery, the connection between mother and child increases. Long-term and short-term memories begin to retain images, events and actions. From there, the memory becomes more active and captures everything that happens around it.

However, things often do not go our way. Some mothers fail to develop this supermemory. They are limited to ‘today’, unable to process all the information they obtain and possibly forget pleasant moments as time goes by.

How can I stimulate good memory?

If the mother does not retain her memories, we have some tips that will help you to change this situation in a favorable way:

  • We can visually classify the things that are outstanding. That way, this little mental reminder will help us not to put our daily tasks aside.
  • We can also make a short list of activities to be done and put it, for example, on the refrigerator door.
  • Another option is to organize the ideas and form a kind of graphic composition with the activities to be done. For this we can use photos and objects.
  • Help develop your memory through crosswords and word searches. These activities help to have better concentration.

How can I stimulate good memory

What are the causes of the naturalness of maternal memory?

The reason for this simplicity is very simple: organization. This is the best way not to forget things. Following an order or pattern, it is very difficult for something to get out of hand.

Mothers, having everything planned and organized, release stress and enjoy more family time. Also, if stress levels go down, it also lessens the likelihood that things will be forgotten by the saturation of responsibilities in the clutter.

Furthermore, thanks to the hormone prolactin, mothers are more courageous, willing to do anything to defend their children. We could say, then, that your brain also takes on courage and becomes even brighter than before.

How do mothers remember everything? This is simply because they are amazing! We will always lack words to enumerate their qualities and explain the wonders they do every day. Her courage, love and unsurpassed memory are some of the things that turn a simple woman into an exceptional mother.

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