Paying More Attention To Your Cell Phone Than Your Child Has Consequences

This exaggerated attention by cell phone not only distracts your attention at very important moments, such as driving, but it also prevents you from having a deep relationship with your child.
Paying more attention to your cell phone than to your child has consequences

All it takes is that the cell phone breaks or the battery runs out for us to realize how addicted we are to technology, more specifically to cell phones.

Taking advantage of the technology we use now definitely makes many of the daily tasks easier and leaves us with more free time.

However, we ended up using this free time in leisure activities that, in fact, are unproductive, such as watching social media.

Think you’re not so addicted to your cell phone? Well try to go a day without it and you’ll see how much you miss. Especially in times of boredom.

According to experts, 1 in every 1,000 people who use cell phones suffer from addiction.

In addition, some research shows that the excessive use of cell phones has resulted in parents who talk and interact less with their children.

on the cellphone

The cell phone impoverishes your real relationships

Research carried out in this area has shown that the continuous use of cell phones can lead to less frequent and poorer quality interactions with their children for some parents .

This poor interaction has serious consequences on the child’s language development during early childhood, as well as negative effects on behavior and self-esteem.

It is very important that children are properly stimulated during early childhood by people around them, such as parents, grandparents, caregivers and teachers.

That’s because interaction during the first few years of life is responsible for brain development.

For the child’s brain to develop properly and inner growth to be stimulated, it is necessary that babies receive quality interactions, in addition to basic care.

It’s been proven that when you’re immersed in the digital world that the cell phone offers, you end up ignoring your children and the outside world in general.

With that, you end up denying an important opportunity for them to develop. The importance of this lies in the fact that personal development is especially significant during childhood.

Your baby needs you present

You and your partner, as well as the adults who are in contact with your child, contribute significantly to your child’s growth.

It is through contact with them that the child discovers essential skills for psychological, emotional, cognitive and motor development.

You are the baby’s closest connection to the world. If this connection fails because we are immersed in the cell phone screen, it will inevitably bring significant influences on development.

Paying more attention to the cell phone than to your child is a problem because, although he is no longer a baby, he needs to feel that his parents hear and understand him.

As the child grows, he will certainly be able to explore the world for himself. But she will still need you to accompany her in her growth and learning process.

on the cellphone

Disconnecting from your cell phone is good for your child and for you

The idea is not to completely stop using the cell phone. But use it sparingly.

Mainly because this behavior of checking the cell phone every five minutes is not healthy for anyone.

It’s not just a logical consideration. Unfortunately, the fact that many parents pay more attention to cell phones than to their children is an increasingly common behavior.

Indeed, a worrying increase in the rate of injury to children has been detected in recent years.

The doctors responsible for these cases believe that this phenomenon is directly related to the excessive use of cell phones by parents.

This is because our attention cannot be in two places at the same time.

Also, remember that you are the greatest role model for your child. So, if you don’t want him to be addicted to cell phones, it’s time to break this bad habit.

Never forget that your kids are worth your time. No doubt there are calls and messages you can reply to later.

However, attention to the things your child does cannot and should not be left for later. He depends on you for his own physical and emotional integrity.

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