Schedule For When Multiple Babies Come Home

Schedule for when multiple babies come home

Carrying out the tasks that are needed when multiple babies come home could create a great deal of chaos and confusion. That’s why scheduling everything that needs to be done during the day will provide the relevant organization to provide proper care and meet the needs of each baby.

It is important that an agenda is made for when multiples arrive home, as the first few days can be difficult to adapt to ; trying to deal with the home, partner and family can be complicated at first, but soon parents can feel secure preparing all the tasks to be done.

Arriving home with twins, triplets or more babies may vary depending on how you completed the labor, as some of the babies might leave before or after medical care, due to prematurity or other circumstances.

One of the main difficulties for mothers of multiples is related to breastfeeding, which is often complicated due to the feeding needs that each baby has. This is a delicate topic, since stress could reduce milk production and consequently affect breastfeeding.

Families of multiples may feel more pressured and busy compared to mothers of single babies, as the work required to adequately care for them is proportional to the number of babies.

Agenda to meet the needs of multiples

Due to their conditions of newborns and multiple babies, these can look very physically (there are many cases where there are twins), so it is extremely important to find a mechanism to easily identify them  and thus facilitate the necessary attention to each one. .

Acquiring a support element such as: a notebook, diary or board will make it easier for the family to know the remaining tasks, the times to change diapers and time to feed them, check what has already been done so as not to repeat it again, and do the counting the hours of medication that the doctor could prescribe, etc…

Careful organization of clothes and cloth diapers for newborns should be done, dividing them and placing them in various places in the house to have them on hand quickly.

Schedule for visits

A birth of multiples can be curious and impactful for your family or social environment and, certainly, many will want to make visits to meet their little ones, bring gifts or simply share the moment with you and hear some or another story, but attend to several babies and visits at the same time can be very complicated.

Separating a few days of the week into short or reduced times for friends and family to enjoy our babies is an event that should be scheduled. Newborn babies need a quiet place to enjoy their needs, they demand intimacy and a lot of attention.

You shouldn’t be concerned about offering limited time for visits; your family and friends will understand what a busy and beautiful situation you are going through, and they can well imagine that the babies, couple, and home may be demanding a lot of time and attention.

Extra help, welcome!

Mothers of multiples need all the help they can get:

  • If it is economically viable it  is important to seek help from a staff service, nanny, nurse or someone who can help you on difficult days to support you in some tasks and cover you so that you fall asleep for a few hours.
  • Housekeeping can take a long time, so make sure you have the phone numbers of family members or restaurants with home delivery service and plumbers on hand to cover any eventuality. This is fundamental information that must be recorded in the diary.
  • Sleep time should be taken every day and babies should eat every three hours. Arranging for babies to eat at the same time so they can all rest together requires extra help, especially at dawn.

Recommendations for when multiples get home

It’s very important that you get organized and set aside periods of time for important things like these:

  • Spending time with your older children is very important when multiples come home.
  • You have to make time for yourself.
  • You should enjoy intimate time with your partner.
  • Record or jot down each of the things you’ve done or have to do about your babies’ routine, which you can use tools such as calendars, phone books, and alarms for.

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