How To Introduce The First Baby Food?

While baby food for an older child or adult may contain sugar, baby food should be as natural as possible.
How to introduce the first baby food?

The first baby food in the baby’s diet is essential for its growth. When they reach 6 months of age, it is necessary to integrate a new food group into the child’s diet so that they begin to get used to the new flavors and textures. In this way, we will “train” your digestive system little by little.

First, it is necessary to know very well which are the foods with which the first baby food should be prepared.

It is generally believed that any soft fruit, such as a banana, is sufficient. In fact, this fruit is not the first choice. Before introducing bananas into your baby’s diet, other fruits that are richer in fiber should be included.

Techniques to introduce the first baby food

When the baby tries the first baby food, your reaction may indicate that it is a little strange. It’s a normal attitude, after all the food has a different texture from what he’s used to. Therefore, it is important for parents to be patient and persevering.

set a time

It is important for the baby to start eating the first baby food at the same time. Thus, your body gets used to receiving this new food integrated into the routine. In this way, it is also possible to avoid excesses. Remember that it is not recommended that your baby always eat just for the sake of eating.

first baby food

A peaceful environment

As food is something totally new and foreign to the baby, it is important that he is in a comfortable environment. The best thing is that there are no distractions around and, preferably, little noise.

At first it will be difficult to get him to sit alone in the chair, so it’s best not to push. Another way is to eat sitting on the mother’s lap.

Replace a baby bottle

To introduce the first baby food into your baby’s diet, it is important not to cut the bottle suddenly. Keep in mind that this can be too harsh for the baby. Therefore, it is most advisable to start replacing the baby bottle at a specific time with baby food.

For example, if the child usually takes a bottle at noon, it is possible to substitute a baby food. If you have eaten enough, it is not necessary to give more breast milk or a bottle. But, on the other hand, if you’ve eaten little, supplementing with milk is a good idea.

be persistent, but don’t push

The amounts of baby food should be small and it is necessary to be patient when feeding the baby. Parents often believe that as long as the child eats all the baby food, everything is fine.

However, while it’s ideal to eat everything, there’s no need to push. In fact, if you insist too much, you can provoke aversion to food and it will be harder to feed it in the future.

Advice when starting with the first baby food

Although the baby may reject the first baby food, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like it. It’s probably because it might seem a little weird because it’s an entirely new food. The key is to create a consistent routine to get your body used to it.

Here are some tips parents should consider:

  • You should not put sugar in sweet food. It is also not necessary to add salt to the salty dishes.
  • Food should be cut into very small pieces to prevent the baby from choking.
  • The temperature of the baby food should be warm.
  • The texture of the baby food should not be too liquid or too thick.
  • If the baby turns his head when the parents offer the baby food, it could be an indication that he is full and doesn’t want more.
  • When your child eats little food and is still hungry, you can supplement the meal with a bottle.
  • After eating the baby food, he may be thirsty. In that case, offer some water.
  • Some children start eating well from 8 months of age onwards, so parents must be persistent with their diet.

Baby's first baby food should be high in fiber.

What foods should be used to prepare the first baby food?

Before starting with the first baby food, it is important that parents consult their pediatrician. The professional will be responsible for indicating exactly which first foods should be integrated into the child’s diet.

But in general, these are some of the most recommended:

  • Cereals: oats, rice, corn, soybeans, tapioca.
  • Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, leeks, lettuce, zucchini.
  • Fruits: oranges, plums, peaches, apples, pears and bananas.

The fruit should be natural or compote-like, so you won’t lose all the properties your baby needs.

Feeding babies is very important as their growth will largely depend on the nutrients their body receives. Fortunately, as we’ve seen, it’s very easy to introduce variety.

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