10 Ways To Bring Your Child Closer To God

The education of our children does not just depend on the teachers. As parents, we must be the first to teach values ​​that encompass love of neighbor, respect, and nobility.
10 ways to bring your child closer to God

Many of the essential principles of educating children can be found in religion. In this article, look at 10 ways to bring your child closer to God.

In the times we live in, lack of faith is very common. People live in a hurry, life in general is very fast-paced and, in most cases, all that matters is the money and the facilities to get it.

Life materialized and thanks to this we are experiencing a great crisis of values, without which the world will not have a worthy future.

Due to the crisis of humanity, religious education becomes of paramount importance in the education of our children.

Without a stable and solid spiritual life, negative emotions can even have an impact on our children’s physical health.

How can I bring my child closer to God?

Here are some ways to bring your child closer to God. With this approach, what we want is to form a person of integrity, noble, who can build a better future in their surroundings.

We also want our child to have a solid spiritual capacity that will give him security and strength in adversity.

go with your son to mass

Take him to Mass in the usual way. Listening to Jesus’ life and teachings will motivate you to do good to others. In addition, they will enjoy the various stories and parables that, in addition to being didactic, are quite applicable in current life.

pray together with him before bed

Praying before bedtime is a very common way of talking to God. It is important that he learn the basic prayers, as this will make his integration with the Christian community easier.

Still, we cannot forget that God is our friend, and that we can address Him in any way we want.


Encourage him to enroll in a Sunday school group

In these groups, he will meet children with the same concerns and the same love for God. In addition to attending once or twice a week, events and camps are also organized. Tell him it will be a lot of fun and that he will make a lot of friends.

Show movies and books that talk about God

There are a lot of movies that talk about God. Some of them are specifically focused on children’s audience. Let him know about these possibilities, as well as about books on this topic. 

After watching the movie or reading the chapter, you can comment on what you absorbed and share a moment of dialogue and mutual rapprochement. Sharing educational content with our children strengthens our affective bond and creates security.

show how lucky he is

Thousands of people around the world live in poverty, subjected to hunger, war and abuse. Your child is a privileged person who must know what happens in other places on the planet.

Talk to him about the value of helping others and encourage him to join nonprofit organizations.

pray at the table with him

Praying at the table is an act of thanksgiving. Praying for each food is a way of telling God how fortunate we feel to have plenty of food.

It is common to pray at lunch and dinner, which is usually when the whole family is present.


To love nature is to love God

God wants us to love not only people but nature as well. We have to respect all living things, including animals and plants.

We were all created to be valued and not to hurt others. Therefore, harming the environment is harming God and our own Christian identity.

pray during pregnancy

If during pregnancy we keep in contact with God, our baby will notice. Choose a place where you can pray in a comfortable and peaceful way, trying to have an image of Jesus close by.

Focus on the child within you, and think of him in each prayer.

talk to your child

It is recommended that you talk to your child about God and about faith.

For a child to grow up with religious values, it is necessary for him to realize that his parents believe the same as he does. Sit down with her and ask her to share her doubts and problems.

the value of forgiveness

One of the most important tenets of Christianity centers on forgiveness. Knowing how to forgive is one of the hardest and most valuable lessons anyone can learn. 

Considering that we are human and wrong is a way to mature emotionally and get closer to God.

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