Don’t Encourage Your Child With Your Words, Encourage Him With Your Example

Being an example to our children is the most effective educational tool we have as parents.
Don't encourage your child with your words, encourage him with your example

It is not necessary to tell children how, why and what they should do some things. Most of the time, they act imitating our way of being and don’t care about what we intend to impose.

In childhood, words are like empty language that the child doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to understand. Because it’s easier, or nature designed it, for them to learn by imitating their parents.

By this, we mean that if you want to raise a happy, upright, responsible, educated, loving and confident child of their physical, cognitive and mental qualities and abilities, the best way is to educate them with your good example.

To make this clearer, we want to share with you the following story.

your example

The story of a mother inconsistent with saying and doing

Marta is a very sociable woman. In her building, she gets along well with the neighbors. There’s not a day she doesn’t go to work without saying good morning to everyone she meets.

Those who need her help know that she will be there to extend a helping hand: a little sugar, taking care of another child for an hour, bringing eggs when she goes to the supermarket, calling the building manager. She is an example of a neighbor.

But Marta is a person who has serious contradictions between doing and saying.

After your effusive good morning, every time a person turns their back, it always ends up in a mockery or some nasty comment:

“-If you only knew how much I don’t like her.”

“-What would you say if you knew that your husband has an affair.”

“-So fat it won’t go through that door.”

She answers any call, but always with double intentions.

“-You must return the favor I’m doing with interest. Remember that one hand washes the other and both wash their faces.”

So thinks Martha.

And he was always peacefully living his life that way, or so he thought, until the day he began to notice that his 5-year-old daughter, when playing with the Martita doll – which was the one she liked the most, and in fact represented her own. her own person in all the games – she adopted the role of being better than the others, the prettiest, the most intelligent.

If that was still not enough, when Martita sat down to have tea with another doll, she began to criticize her friends. And as soon as her friend was replaced, criticism fell back on the one who had just left.

While other dolls were combed and dressed, Martita exalted the look. But in a low voice, to herself, she commented on what she really believed in the new style.

The day that Marta stopped to watch her daughter play, she got scared and thought that “out of nowhere” a hypocritical daughter had been born.

your example

Don’t encourage your child with your words, encourage him with your example

As a mother, we know that setting a good example is not an easy thing. Because we are human, imperfect and we don’t always make the best decisions.

We are made of a mixture of optimism and pessimism; good and bad actions; positive and negative feelings at the same time.

We are not always prepared to be a role model. But even so, we have a responsibility to educate, guide and advise new generations.

What we can do is wake up every day with the intention and make a real effort to transform ourselves into better people, sincere, honest, altruistic, empathetic, sociable so that our child can absorb the best of us.

It is necessary to teach our children on a daily basis to respect others, pursue their dreams and strive to reach their goals. Show how your child should behave, feel, and think through their actions. 

He must despise lies and falsehoods, learn to make true friends and open his heart whenever he needs it.

As your best and closest educator, you have a responsibility – and a duty – to teach as much as possible to the “little dwarves” who watch you without you noticing.

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