Orthodontic Braces For Children: Recommendations – I’m A Mom

Problems with bite and teeth position are common and can be detected at an early age. Therefore, seeing children with orthodontic appliances is increasingly common, as it aims to obtain a symmetrical arch, correct functional problems or improve oral aesthetics. However, it is advisable to put it on when the dentition is already complete.
Orthodontic appliances in children: recommendations

Experts recommend that children’s first dental examinations be done at age 7, when the molars and incisors have come out and it is easier to assess their position. If there is a problem, it’s time to start treatment. Children with orthodontic appliances should be evaluated gradually to obtain satisfactory results.

Oral health is very important. In fact,  few people enjoy beautiful teeth by nature, so most need orthodontic treatment.

However, the most frequent questions that parents ask themselves, and perhaps you too, are: when to use braces? What is needed for orthodontic treatment?

When to use orthodontic appliances?

Although at a young age you can start orthodontic treatments, it  is best to do so when most of your teeth have already emerged, ie between 9 and 12 years of age.

However, there may also be younger children with orthodontic appliances. This is usually due to different factors such as crossbite, genetic problems in the palate, use of a pacifier or finger in the mouth.

What are worth for?

Orthodontic appliances have at least three fundamental goals:

  • Achieve symmetry  in teeth.
  • Fix  functional issues.
  • Improve physical appearance  or oral esthetics.

It has recently been concluded that oral health affects the well-being of the entire body. That’s why preventive and corrective dental treatments have evolved.

girl in braces

In addition,  parent awareness has enabled more children with orthodontic appliances. This prevents them from having low self-esteem, improving their appearance and health in the future.

When dental anomalies are treated at an early age, irritating and more expensive processes are avoided in the future, perhaps due to having to undergo another type of treatment, such as surgical ones.

Also, during childhood, it will be easier to reorder and correct the position of the dental arch, once the child is in the beginning of his formation and will be calmer.

Instruments according to the problem to be corrected

Medical innovations came to dental treatments. Currently, there are several types of braces recommended for different conditions in children who need orthodontic braces.

There are even interceptive orthodontic appliances, which are put on even if your child hasn’t replaced all of his teeth.

Tools for correcting dental malformations are of two types: fixed orthodontic appliances and removable orthodontic appliances.

Fixed orthodontic appliances

These braces remain attached to the teeth and some have become very popular, such as braces. These serve to redirect teeth to give them symmetry and correct alignment. Others aim to correct bad habits.

Removable Orthodontic Braces

They can be manipulated by the user, are of lightweight material and are attached with a small hook to the molars. Its use is very specific, so the result will depend on how long your child uses it.

Interestingly,  technological and medical advances applied by orthodontists have allowed these devices to become lighter, higher quality, comfortable and safer. Often go unnoticed due to the design.

What is needed for orthodontic treatment?

Your specialist doctor must perform certain tests, including a maxillofacial or panoramic radiograph. In this way, it will be possible to determine where the problem is and seek the best treatment for each child.

Recommendations for children with orthodontic appliances

You can consider these guidelines to make life easier for your children who wear braces:

  • In the case of removable orthodontic appliances,  the child must carry a case where they can safely store it while eating.
  • Both hygiene and mouth brushing will be essential, as well as gentle or attentive cleaning of the appliance.
  • Always attend the necessary maintenance appointments, so as not to delay the progress of the treatment.

boy at the dentist

Following these recommendations can prevent your child from having to wear braces longer than necessary. Thus, the dentist will be able to make further adjustments at each appointment according to the consequent physical discomfort, especially in the case of orthodontic braces with brackets .

Remember that crossbite and other teething problems are more common than you might think. They can even condition your child’s way of speaking, chewing, and breathing.

So don’t think it’s silly: take your kids to a dental appointment to start taking care of their health in every way.

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