Preventing Bullying: Everyone’s Job

Bullying has a strong emotional impact on children and can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is the task of the entire society to take responsibility and act on it.
Preventing bullying: everyone's job

We must be aware that  we all play a key role when it comes to preventing bullying and therefore we must take on this responsibility.

It is essential to give visibility to this problem and deconstruct some myths about it, because, far from being a “child thing”, we are talking about a situation of violence that significantly impacts the mental health of affected young people.

It is the task of the entire society to review the values ​​and principles that govern us and that we transmit to new generations. In this sense, it is necessary to understand the tremendous impact that bullying  can have on children. Furthermore, we must be willing to eradicate this situation from the position that each of us occupies.

How can parents prevent bullying?

Preventing bullying: everyone's job

offending child

The family is the child’s first socialization agent. In it, the main values, attitudes and behaviors are internalized. Therefore, it  is extremely important that parents take care of what they teach their children, not only with their words, but also through their actions.

Often, children who  practice bullying against their peers have serious deficiencies in their education : lack of affection, no limits, excessive demands of parents … On the other hand, be a witness or victim of violent behavior within the home can also lead the child to adopt the same posture at school.

If your child has any of the following characteristics, be aware and try to act as soon as possible:

  • Has manipulative behaviors or  tries to dominate other people  by relating to them.
  • Does not tolerate frustration, has an explosive temper and does not recognize his own mistakes.
  • She has low self-esteem  and envy that she doesn’t know how to manage.
  • Has no empathy  for other living beings.
  • He reacts in a haughty and defiant way when you correct him  or try to discipline him.

child victim of bullying

On the other hand, if you are the mother or father of a child who is being bullied , you should know that your reaction and support can make a difference. Your child is likely to feel embarrassed, guilty, or afraid of what is happening to him and doesn’t want to talk to you about it. So try to pay attention to the signs and make sure you offer full understanding and support.

Take action. Once you learn about the situation your child is going through, take action about it. Talk to the school and the authorities if the former does not want to cooperate. Invite your child to see a child psychologist if you feel it is necessary. And, above all, repeat that there is nothing wrong with him, that he is not guilty at all. This will help preserve his self-esteem, and he’ll feel more confident and less alone in the process.

Prevent bullying at school

As the space where bullying occurs, school is a key factor in preventing bullying . She  must take a clear and energetic stance on the subject and educate young people in values, tolerance and diversity. In addition, it must also promote cooperation and take strict measures if bullying occurs.

Preventing bullying: everyone's job

One of the most successful proposals to date is the KiVa method, which was first implemented in Finland and is currently being applied in several countries. This method is not focused on trying to empower the victim or fostering the abuser’s empathy. On the contrary, this innovative and effective proposal focuses on the spectators, that is, the other children, the classmates who witness the aggressions.

If they are aware and are able to take a stand in favor of the victim, rejecting violence directly, the aggressor will abandon this behavior for not getting the expected response. As it will not achieve greater popularity, but the opposite, it will stop acting that way.

The KiVa method strongly shows that preventing  bullying  is everyone’s job, that we are all part of the problem or the solution. Therefore, every day, we have to be aware of this harsh reality and support the young people who need us.

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