How To Control Nervousness During Childbirth

How to control nervousness during childbirth

Most women feel nervous when they think about giving birth. Much of this feeling is based on fears and myths. That’s why, regardless of the circumstances, it’s very important to know that as a woman you have everything you need to give birth to a healthy baby.  If you want to have a smooth delivery, you need to trust your doctor and consider how far medicine has come to contribute to the success of your delivery.

We are all afraid, this is true. But it’s also true that all this nervousness is surmountable .  Most nervousness can be controlled with adequate information, self-confidence and teachings that allow empowerment in the face of the transforming experience that it means to bring a baby into the world. Although this is a natural reaction and increases in intensity with the approach of delivery, you should try to control nervousness when it is out of control or disrupting your daily life.

Keep in mind that the less nervous you are, the more confident you will feel to experience the fullness of this very special moment of childbirth.  In addition, fear, instead of contributing, harms, because when you feel it, your muscles become more tense, which causes a bodily response of increased sweating intensity and heart rate.

So it’s best for you to be as relaxed as possible at this time, as this emotional state contributes to the normal functioning of your uterus and makes the pain lessen.


Information about childbirth has power

One of the best strategies to lose the fear of childbirth is to look for reliable information about each stage. It is also positive to study the characteristics that different types of childbirth have, including cesarean, as information is never too much. This information, added to the fact that you can distinguish contractions from other bodily responses, will make you feel powerful in the circumstances on the day of delivery.

It is also no exaggeration to find out about the most frequent complications that can happen during childbirth and what are the possible solutions that can be applied in each case. This data will help you gain greater awareness of your body, which in turn helps you to face your birth in a conscious and positive way.

Likewise, it is important to resolve all your doubts about the epidural, whose numbing effect can help relieve the pain of childbirth. So, in addition to getting all the information you can, talking about it is also a good tool to lose the fear of this very important moment.

So, in addition to asking your trusted doctor any questions you may have, you can also share your fears with your partner, family and friends. They can help you to ward off nervousness, so common among first-time mothers, for example.

Exercising and physically preparing your body for childbirth is also a good way to look at it. Focus on exercises that specifically target your leg and glute muscles.


Keeping a positive attitude always helps.

Having a positive attitude helps a lot to overcome any fear and even any setback.  Always keep your mind positive, push away any pessimistic thoughts and focus on the information you have about your pregnancy: all the results of prenatal diagnoses, tests and ultrasounds you had during pregnancy should make you more comfortable.

Try to relax. The secret to a good pregnancy and a smooth delivery is learning to relax. If you attend pre-partum classes, but still feel like you need to relax more, then you can also take meditation, yoga, swimming, pilates classes… you can do it all.

Controlling the nervousness and losing the fear will make your delivery much better.  It has been proven that pessimistic women have much more painful births, as this attitude, in addition to making you more rigid, causes your body to be flooded by the stress hormone, cortisol. But, on the other hand, if you take a positive attitude, your body will release a lot of endorphins, the love hormone, which will help you to cope better with the pain and make contact with the baby easier.

It is also essential to be a realistic and strong woman in case something unforeseen happens or something goes wrong. In this case, it is also ideal to maintain a cooperative attitude and give your all so that the birth follows its natural process.

And lastly, have faith in yourself, put into practice everything you’ve learned in pre-birth classes. Everything will happen naturally and if you don’t remember what to do at some point, keep in mind that your gynecologist and midwife will always be there to help with your delivery. Thus, you will only need to follow the directions you receive.

Now you know that talking about your anguish and getting informed very well will help to overcome the natural fear of the unknown, which disappears immediately as soon as you hold your baby in your arms.

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