Improve Your Postpartum Recovery With Natural Remedies

The experience of bringing a child into the world exhausts even the most prepared woman. After the birth you become aware of how much your body has changed during pregnancy and also make you aware that during the postpartum period you will return to your usual state. During this period of time, it is most recommended that you get a helping hand to help you make a quick recovery, and one of those helping hands can be natural remedies. These, in addition to healing, will help in your quick recovery.

When we think of natural remedies, preparations made from herbs and plants immediately come to our minds, but in addition to them, physical exercises and tips from our grandmothers will help you fight against sagging, tiredness and poor circulation.

A healthy routine accompanied by natural remedies and constancy will make you experience a quick and grateful recovery. This routine will be the secret that will enhance your improvement during the postpartum period and, definitely, it has to include proper nutrition, plenty of rest and one or another activity.


The most popular natural remedies

Deflate your perineum with ice and warm water:

Apply an ice-wrapped compress to the inflamed outside of your perineum for the first two days after giving birth, you will be able to deflate the area. You must wrap the ice cubes in a cloth. From the third day onwards, you should apply heat to soothe the perineal region, then use a cloth with warm water.

Avoid infections and help heal your wounds:

Boil a handful of calendula and a handful of hypericum in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Remove the infusion from the heat and let it cool. Strain and place in a “spray” type container. Apply several splashes of this boiled water after each bathroom visit. You can also put a handful of coarse salt in your daily bath water and the salt will help prevent infections.

Speed ​​up your recovery and soothe your aching muscles:

To make sure the bruises go away soon, you can take a few Arnica D6 tablets every two hours for the first two days after giving birth. Then take these homeopathic pills every four hours. Follow this treatment for a week and say goodbye to the pain.


Relieve pain and nipple hypersensitivity:

Place a tea bag of rooibos in two tablespoons of boiling water. Then let the sachet cool down and place it over the nipple. This will bring great relief. Rooibos is a plant of South African origin that has calming effects. It can be applied topically to the skin, both in children and adults.

There is another natural remedy that serves to relieve the pain and hypersensitivity of your nipples. Take one or two cabbage leaves and cut a circle the size of the nipple from the center of them.

Once this is done, immerse the leaves in boiling water for 10 seconds, then remove the excess water and place them still warm on the breasts; this will soothe any pain you may be experiencing and stimulate milk production. Apply new leaves each time you breastfeed your baby and continue with this routine until you feel better.

Reduce bleeding from the uterus or episiotomy:

To alleviate the effects of lochia, which are blood clots expelled from the uterus after giving birth, drink a shepherd’s bag tea for the first two days after giving birth, then change your tea to a brew with equal parts raspberry leaves. , almez (species of lotus), log grass and millenrama flowers (known as hill chamomile).

Say goodbye to hemorrhoids :

Dip 10 x 10 cm pieces of gauze into an infusion of witch hazel, which is an astringent herb. Put the dampened gauze on a parchment paper and freeze, then place directly on the hemorrhoids for 10 to 20 minutes. Repeat this routine two to three times a day.

Massage to contract the uterus : Massage the abdomen in clockwise circles every four hours. This will cause your uterus to contract progressively. Do this technique for two weeks or until your bleeding lochia turns pink.


Extra tricks for your recovery

During the postpartum period, you can feel a million things, including an enormous joy at being able to see, caress and hear your baby and a terrible tiredness. As we advised at the beginning of this article, in addition to using natural remedies to recover quickly and well, it is essential that you eat correctly.

You already know that eating well is always important, however, it is mainly at this stage that you should eat thinking about yourself and your baby. Keep in mind that high-protein foods like chicken and lean fish, as well as the vitamin C found in fruits like oranges and lemons, will help you recover quickly from childbirth.

It is also good that you drink a glass of water or other liquid every hour, especially if you are breastfeeding. During this step you may start to notice that your hair starts to fall out more than usual. This is due to the hormonal effect, which can take up to a year to normalize, to support this situation a new haircut can help.

One more thing, if you feel sad and find it difficult to adapt to this new stage, get help. Over time, you will realize that this feeling is completely normal, as well as temporary, and that sharing your feelings will help you to see situations or problems from another perspective.

You will have seen that a baby months old requires continuous routines, but these daily routines can make you feel a little down, sad or depressed. Break this circle and go for a walk, feel the sunlight on your skin, talk to other mothers, laugh and enjoy life, and you will see that leaving the four walls of your home will do you good. Also, acupuncture can help a lot: this technique from traditional Chinese medicine can be very positive for you.

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