My Baby Swaps Night For Day my

Does your baby stay awake at night? Get him used to schedules with the help of the following habits to reverse the changed sleep.
my baby changes night for day

The rest of the babies is a concern for the parents. Although in the beginning it is normal for little ones to wake up at night, over time they should acquire more regular sleeping habits. But when the baby changes from day to night frequently, it is advisable to take steps to remedy this in the short term.

During the first few weeks of life, newborns are awake for only five or six hours. It is common for them to wake up at night, especially to sleep. As the days pass, the hours of wakefulness increase. In the first year of life, the baby will sleep between fourteen and fifteen hours a day.

Over time, however, parents lose

many hours

of rest due to the little one’s restless sleep. If this goes on for a long period or reappears at some stage in early childhood, it is advisable to take steps to preserve the well-being of the little one and his family.

The Importance of Sleep for Babies

It’s no news that good rest is a key factor in anyone’s health. Of course this also applies to babies.

There are three fundamental reasons why sleep during the first few years of life becomes essential. First, because it stimulates the appetite. Furthermore, it is a way to ensure knowledge of their minds. Finally, because when sleeping, the so-called

growth hormones

, responsible for this process.

Of course, it is extremely important to provide the right circumstances for the baby to rest without a problem. This includes maternal affection, habit-forming, and a few more details that we’ll explain to you below.

What to do when the baby changes the day for the night?

If a baby changes the day for the night, that is, sleeps during the day and wakes up during the night, the parents are certainly facing a problem. This can bring


very negative for your health, and it is also not advisable for the baby. First, because this rhythm does not benefit you; second, because noise and daylight can interrupt your rest too often.

So, it is best to anticipate the problem and create sleep habits as soon as possible. Here is some advice that can help in this mission.

Lighted environments during the day

Even when your baby is asleep, try to make the room brighter than at night. This way, your body will not be confused and will reduce the production of melanin, the sleep hormone.

On the other hand, when night falls, dim the lighting and create quieter environments that make the baby feel like it’s time to



Afternoon food

To keep your baby from waking up to feed too often at night, nurse your baby in the afternoon. If he is asleep, wake him up patiently and calmly and keep him awake by stimulating him and playing with him.

Of course, you shouldn’t force him to feed. However, because newborns tend to eat every two or three hours, they’re very likely to eat when you give them a chance. This will also allow your breast to produce more milk and will help your baby to feed more smoothly, as he will not be desperate to breastfeed. Thus, you will be able to reduce cramps and gas.

don’t let him sleep during the day

As your baby grows, he will spend many hours awake each day, and it won’t be limited to eating. This fact has to be a tool in your favor: you’ll be the one to decide when he can sleep and when he can’t.

So try to get the baby to sleep as little as possible in the afternoon. If he takes a nap, don’t let it last for more than two or three hours, depending on how long he rested the night before. If he oversleep in the afternoon, rest assured that a rough night is approaching.

parents with insomnia

difference between day and night

In order for the baby’s body to learn to discern between day and night, you can get him used to certain activities in each of the periods. For example, in the afternoons, stay in well-ventilated and bright places or go for a walk.

On the other hand, at night, make time for relaxing activities such as bathing, reading and


into bed. You will see that with patience and constancy he will assimilate this.

Have one

pace of life

suitable for reversing the exchanged sleep will be beneficial for the baby. Also, your circadian clock will mold itself little by little . Having parents who are less sleepy and in a better mood will have a positive impact on every aspect of your life.

So you already know: with the help of habits, exposure to sunlight and spaced feeding throughout the day, you will be able to get your baby used to sleeping at night. Daytime sleep will no longer be your anguish if you put the advice into practice and focus on this change of schedule.

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