Gianni Rodari: Humor, Fantasy And Games

Humor, fantasy and games in the stories of Gianni Rodari, master of invention and imagination. We will talk about some of them in this article.
Gianni Rodari: humor, fantasy and games

Creator of an authentic genre of children’s literature, master of invention and imagination. Closely connected to the world of education and childhood. His efforts to  make imagination and fantasy occupy the place they deserve in the field of education stand out. We are talking about Gianni Rodari, the great master of humor, fantasy and word games.

Gianni Rodari: humor, fantasy and games

Closely connected to the world of education and childhood, Rodari collaborated on the task of transforming the school and its methods. He tried to make imagination and creativity play a special role in schools. From his work in schools, he wrote the  Grammar of Fantasy,  his great contribution to contemporary pedagogy, through which he  transmitted his revolutionary and liberating idea of ​​literature.

Below, we’ll show you some of their stories. In several of them, it is possible to see that Rodari does not hesitate to criticize the society he considers consumerist and lacks solidarity. At the same time, he is able to promote the critical spirit of the little ones, but always with creativity and humor.

first readers

Gianni Rodari: humor, fantasy and games

A zoo full of stories (3+ years)  

An anthology of short stories, full of humor and fantastic animals with their own life and desires. Tightrope elephants, cyclist turtles, photographer foxes, bandit bears and trained horses. A very fun parade of characters. Guaranteed entertainment!

The purchase of the city of Stockholm  (3+ years)

In the Gavirate market, there are certain little men who sell everything. There is no place to find professionals with more knowledge than them.

One day, a man comes up selling strange things : Mont Blanc, the Indian Ocean, the seas of the moon… He was so smart that, an hour later, he had nothing left but the city of Stockholm, which is bought by a barber in exchange of a haircut and a cologne massage.

Shuffling Stories ( 4+ years)  

The grandfather tells his granddaughter the story of  Little Red Riding Hood,  but always making mistakes. Perhaps out of ignorance?

“- Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Yellow Riding Hood. The girl crossed the forest and found a giraffe… – No way, says the granddaughter.” The grandfather makes the girl who really tells the story, because by confusing the stories the plot becomes a great expressive resource.

Jaime de Cristal (+ 5 years)

A long time ago, in a distant city, a transparent child came into the world. It was possible to see through his body as well as through air and water. You could see her heart beating and her thoughts slipping like colorful fish in an aquarium.

Unfortunately, a terrible dictator begins to fill the city with injustice, abuse and misery, and if anyone protested, he would disappear without a trace. However, Jaime could not remain silent. Although he did not open his mouth, his thoughts spoke for him: after all, he was transparent and everyone could read on his forehead the thoughts of the tyrant’s injustices and violence. A story about the power of truth.

children and youth

Gianni Rodari: humor, fantasy and games

Phone fables (7+ years)

Book composed of short stories full of fantasy and, at the same time, connected to reality. Round, creative, provocative stories full of humor, fantasy and even games.

“Once upon a time there was the clerk Bianchi, from Varese. His profession as a traveling salesman forced him to travel six days a week, traveling all over Italy, East, West, South, North and Center, selling medicinal products.

On Saturday he returned to his house and on Monday morning he left again. But before he started to move his daughter reminded him: -You already know, Daddy: a story a night. And so, every night, wherever he was, the clerk Bianchi would call Varese at nine sharp and tell his little girl a story. “

From A to Z  (8+ years) 

Irresistible and absurd alphabet of poetry, stories and short stories. To reflect, laugh and learn. Gianni Rodari seeks to demonstrate that the word builds worlds and that spelling is not without play and fantasy.

Why did the bridge on which they put the beloved concrete instead of concrete collapse? And why is the Tower of Pisa leaning? Is it because the architects built it balancing themselves?
“How beautiful are mistakes sometimes!”

Mr. Cat’s business  (8+ years) 

Can there be anything juicier than a canned mouse? That’s what Mr. Cat wants to sell in his food store. An excellent deal, according to the owner. But, of course, the rats will not be of the same opinion.

The game of the four corners  (9+ years old)

Surreal stories, meaningless, with humor and games, in which the author questions many of the habits of our society. “The cow of Vipiteno”, who ate the rainbow, “The young man from Verona”, who wanted to marry a painted chicken, or “The retired man”, who, by eliminating the diabolical modern toys, frees the world from a serious danger.

Gip on television ( 9+  years old)

It tells a story that overflows with fantasy and humor about a boy with a strong attraction to television. The ‘televisionitis’ that Gip suffers causes him to be absorbed by an unknown force and head into television. From then on, Gip will appear successively in different programs and on screens in different countries around the world.

Gelsomino in the land of liars  (10+ years) 

A boy named Gelsomino and his friends will face King Jaimon, the lord of the Land of Liars. This king established the lie in his kingdom and imposed terror. Telling the truth is a crime and lying is mandatory by law,  and if you tell the truth, you will be fined. Gelsomino has such a powerful voice that he can destroy entire castles with one scream.

Gianni Rodari: humor, fantasy and games

Stories to Play  (10+ years)

Through this book, Rodari wants to teach children to think for themselves about the problems that society and people need to face. Stories to Play  consists of 20 short stories, each with three different endings. The reader reads, observes, thinks and, if he doesn’t find an ending he likes, he can invent another one, writing or drawing on his own. Have a good time!

The book of errors  (10+ years)

Through poems, stories and stories by Professor Grammaticus, Rodari humorously shows that the world is full of spelling, grammatical and other much more serious errors.

Once upon a time there was a young man who dreamed of becoming a great inventor. He studied day and night, studied for several years, and finally wrote in his personal diary: “I’ve studied enough. I am already a HIMVESTIGATOR and will demonstrate my great value.”

Stories written on a typewriter  (12 years +)

This book features twenty-six varied stories with wacky arguments, brimming with fantasy and a sense of humor that entertains the young reader through an ironic critique of today’s consumer society.

“A wise crocodile” appears in television studios to participate in a contest, “Marco and Mirko”, the two twins, write an essay about the devil, “The fisherman on the Garibaldi bridge” is angry because the fish prefer other hooks instead yours. An ironic critique of the consumer society.

Fantasy grammar: humor, fantasy and games

Finally, we present one of his most emblematic books:  Grammar da Fantasia . Aimed at parents, educators and anyone who believes in the need for a place for imagination in education. A book that tells us how to invent children’s stories and how to help children create their own stories on their own. Forty-five techniques that teach us the art of storytelling.

On this link you can discover and buy more books full of humor, fantasy and games from this great children’s writer. Gianni, thank you for the gift you gave us through your work!

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