Benefits Of Swimming During Pregnancy

If you want to play sports while you’re pregnant, you might think that swimming has many benefits for moms-to-be. We’ll tell you everything next.
Benefits of Swimming During Pregnancy

Swimming during pregnancy is an especially suitable activity for expectant mothers. If you’re expecting your baby to arrive, you might think this is an aerobic exercise that you can do from the third to the ninth month of pregnancy.

Unlike other heavier and more tiring sports, swimming is a light exercise that is conducive to practice during pregnancy. Expectant mothers can swim in the first trimester of pregnancy, obviously after medical examinations that will look at the complete health status of the baby and the mother.

6 Benefits of Swimming During Pregnancy

Next, we’ll introduce 6 benefits of swimming for moms-to-be:

1.- Reduces back pain

It is a sport that involves a significant reduction in the child’s weight on the mother’s spine. During water activities, whether swimming or water aerobics, the body is not subject to gravity and is supported by water.

This allows you to perform movements without any weight on the spine or joints. In this type of exercise, the joints are not overloaded and this is especially beneficial in cases of overweight and obesity.

2.- Body benefits

Swimming, practiced regularly and in moderation, is an activity that allows you to burn calories. In addition, it helps a lot to stimulate the body’s relaxation and, at the same time, tones and refines the silhouette.

Swimming during pregnancy makes it easier to shed the extra pounds you gain during pregnancy and helps improve muscle tone.

3.- Relieves stress and muscle stiffness

Constant water massage allows mothers-to-be to relieve the stress and muscle stiffness that comes with pregnancy.

You should know that during pregnancy, accumulation of fluid, especially in the lower extremities, encourages swelling.  For example, in the ankles.

In water, you float and weigh a tenth of what you weigh outside of it. This fact causes a relief in the pressure of the lower and upper limbs.

At the same time, swimming is a very relaxing activity that allows you to stretch your arms and legs and relieve muscle tension.

4.- You will feel lighter

The expectant mother who chooses to swim in the pool during pregnancy helps her body feel better. This activity must be carried out consciously, with follow-up and medical advice.

Among other things, swimming helps the mother-to-be to deflate, promotes diuresis and makes her feel lighter. 

Swimming, therefore, allows pregnant mothers to quickly relieve all discomfort and allows them to reach a good level of physical well-being.

5.- Psychological benefits

Mothers-to-be who decide to practice swimming during pregnancy will also benefit from psychological benefits. Swimming allows you to relieve stress and tension, in addition to disconnecting from everyday problems. Finally, it helps to ensure physical and mental well-being.

6.- Water relieves swelling

The feet and ankles tend to become swollen in pregnancy due to known fluid retention . When swimming with the extremities immersed, the fluids are pushed back towards the kidneys. Thus, they are later eliminated in the urine.

At the same time, swimming also improves the body’s blood circulation. All of these consequences allow the feet and ankles to eliminate most of the fluids.

Swimming during pregnancy

The most suitable swimming styles for pregnant women

Certainly, the chest style is best suited for pregnant women as it does not require a rotation of the torso and does not require significant effort.

In pregnancy, the spine and pelvis tend to lean forward. Therefore, moving your arms in this way strengthens all the muscles in your back and relaxes you.

Another method very suitable for pregnant women is the back style.  It poses no risk to the baby and helps relieve muscle pain that tends to build up.

Finally, it is important to highlight that, before swimming during pregnancy, it is essential to consult your doctor and gynecologist.  In this way, we avoid any problems that may arise as a result of practicing sports.

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