How Can I Help My Child Have Less Difficulty Waking Up Early?

Helping your child have less difficulty waking up early is one of the tasks that the father has to do. This will encourage the child’s autonomy and give him a certain degree of independence. Follow these tips and enjoy a pleasant atmosphere every morning.
How can I help my child have less difficulty waking up early?

Waking up early is one of the most difficult tasks for even adults, let alone a child.

In most cases, getting a child to wake up early can end up creating a bad mood for both the child and the parents. To avoid this situation, it is essential to follow some recommendations that can help your child have less difficulty waking up early.

Below, we’ll give you more details on some tips that will help you create this habit more easily. You will see how your effort will be rewarded with results.

5 tips to help my child have less difficulty waking up early

In fact, helping my child have less trouble waking up early will benefit the whole family. This is because the mornings will be faster and it will be possible to face the day with optimism.

To ensure the success of this task, write down the following recommendations and adapt them to the rhythm of your family life.

1. Organization first of all

The first tip so that waking up early is not an ordeal is to keep everything organized. If you need to wake up early to go to school or any other activity, you need to leave everything prepared: clothes, shoes, backpack, etc.

Also, get your child involved in the organization. You can also create a beautiful poster with reminders of activities that should be done to avoid wasting time.

Over time, this will become a routine and it will be easier to adjust to the time available. In addition, the organization will empower the child and make them safer.

2. Go to bed early to wake up early

Sleeping times are essential, as they ensure enough rest to help your child get up early. Therefore, if you know that the child has difficulty waking up, try to make him/her go to bed earlier.

child sleeping with his alarm clock

Doctors recommend that school-age children should sleep between 8 and 9 hours minimum. In this way, learning and adequate growth are promoted.

3. Leave a time frame

Another recommendation to help my child have less difficulty waking up early is to leave a time frame of about 15 minutes.

This makes him stay ahead of the alarm clock or wake up time. By having that time, you’ll allow him to wake up and stretch without the distress of knowing there’s no time.

4. Wake him up gently

Waking up early is a difficult task, even for adults. Therefore, when waking the child, avoid doing this abruptly or forcefully. One recommendation is to go to your room and say a sentence like this, calmly, in your ear: “It’s time to wake up and make your dreams come true.”

Then pet it and provide expressions of affection that will set her up for the day. Turn on the light and make sure she’s awake so she doesn’t go back to sleep.

5. Lead by example

The best way to help my child have less trouble waking up early is by setting an example. Respecting rest hours, being organized and avoiding complaining about waking up early are some of the factors that children always observe.

Make an effort so they don’t see you running out of time. Children expect you to be organized as you want them to be. No doubt they will copy you.

child sleep on your pillow

Recommendations for getting children up early

Waking up early with the children or helping your child to have less difficulty waking up early is not an impossible task. There are some additional recommendations that will facilitate this process, without falling into conflict or bad mood.

These are some tested by experts:

  • Buy an alarm clock that your child likes: take them to a store and let them choose the model of their favorite cartoon. Also, teach her how to set the time to wake up. That way, she’ll be encouraged to get up early, and you’ll help her create independence.
  • Wake up before the child and go ahead with certain things, including a delicious breakfast.
  • Prepare her the night before with a pleasant conversation, where you will talk about how you want and hope that she wakes up early. This mental preparation will facilitate the process.

    In short, helping my child have less difficulty waking up early is possible with small changes. You just have to adjust the schedule and establish a healthy routine for everyone. The effort will be rewarded.

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