7 “secret” Things A Mother Does For Her Children

7 “secret” things a mother does for her children

Being a mother is one of the most wonderful feelings there is. Many times, our mothers told us “when you are a mother, you will understand”. Yes, it’s true, now you understand a lot of things, especially that expression “mother is one”. A mother is always willing to do anything for her children, including things she will never tell.

As we are mothers and do such secret things for our children, we realize that perhaps, at one time, we have been unfair to our mothers. Because, after all, a mother is a mother. One can be better or worse than the other, but their goals are always aimed at a common good: the well-being and happiness of their children.

7 “secret” things a mother does for her children

Maybe you’ve never stopped to reflect on the things your mother has done for you too. Now that you’re a mother these things don’t seem to matter, it doesn’t take much effort to do them. But isn’t it true that they are made out of the great love you feel for your children? Thinking about them can move your heart and thank your mother for doing these things for you too.

You made her cry… a lot

Yes, tears of joy, but also tears of sadness. He cried with joy when I knew I was going to have you, he cried with pain when he gave birth, he cried with anguish when they patted your bottom and it took you two seconds to cry. She cried with happiness when she held you in her arms when she said “Mommy” for the first time. She cried so much the first time you couldn’t stop crying and she didn’t know why…


she also wanted that piece

When you were eating delicious things, things that you liked a lot, like chocolate cake, and you ate it so fast that it always finished first. Then he looked at his mother… I wasn’t able to think that maybe she liked chocolate as much as you and that she also wanted that last piece, but her innocent look awakened the most beautiful feelings in her heart and her mother always ended up giving in…

she watched you while you slept

When she dressed you, read a story and kissed you, you slept peacefully, away from everything, but she didn’t. She slept with her subconscious alert, which made her wake up all the time and go to your room to find out if you were ok, if you were breathing well, if you weren’t coughing… anyway, to check if everything was at peace.


you are not perfect and she knows

Sometimes she scolded without reason, gave you some spankings that you thought were unfair and punished you for distrust. Trust me, she readily knew she was wrong. There is no one who criticizes her own acts like herself. She is her worst enemy since she came into her life because everything she does, she does for you, for the great love she feels and for you to be happy. She hates herself for her faults, her mistakes and her injustices, but remember: everything was for you, everything motivated by love.

Her tears tore her apart

It doesn’t matter if you were little, teenager or even now. Seeing you cry the wreckage, breaks your soul and your heart. She can’t see you suffering and would be able to give her life so that you don’t have to go through the pain. She would love to have a formula to calm her down, so she can promise that everything will be okay, but she doesn’t, and it destroys her.

The priority was you, always you

You’ve been her absolute priority since she came into the world in every way. If she wanted to rest, but you wanted to play, then there was your unconditional friend. If she needed a bath, but you did too, it was clear who would get in the bath first. When you went shopping, maybe she needed a shoe, but then you found a dress she liked, and there she was, fulfilling her whims and nullifying her own needs.

She would do it all over again… and with you

It doesn’t matter if you tired her too much, argued or were disobedient as a teenager, she would choose you again and do exactly the same for you again. Have no doubts.

Listing everything a mother does for you, however willingly, takes effort and would not be possible. It would be a very long list. But without a doubt, we are sure that reading this brief list you identified a lot with everything you do for your children and you felt grateful for all that your mother did for you and that perhaps until then you had never thought about.

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