Things You Should Know About Newborns my

When a couple decides to become parents and hold their newborn in their arms for the first time, they are likely to have the best feeling they can ever feel in their lives.
Things You Should Know About Newborns

But there are some things that not everyone knows or thinks about newborns and it never hurts to know. These are things that maybe nobody tells you about newborns when you’re pregnant. But that you will notice when your child is born.

The baby may look like you didn’t expect

Your baby’s head may not be what you expected. Maybe you thought it would be a perfect, rounded head, but the reality is that the baby had to go through the birth canal to get to your arms. And only thanks to the flexible bones, your head can deform slightly so you can pass easily.

But don’t worry if your child has a slightly oval head. Think that it’s temporary and that in a few days he’ll have the round, precious head you’ve been waiting for.

You won’t see a smile until the first six weeks

For a mom and dad, who are tired and barely sleeping to care for their baby, it can be a little frustrating not to get a smile.

But it’s only the first 6 weeks. Remember that in these first few weeks (and always) it is critical that you take care of your baby and give all your love. Thanks to this, you will make your efforts become your baby’s greatest treasure.

He’ll start to build an incredibly strong bond with you and he’ll just want to be with you and Daddy because of what you guys do for him every day. And remember: from the sixth week onwards you will find your precious smile.

about the newborns

Watch the umbilical cord

When bathing your baby, you must be very careful because the umbilical cord must fall out by itself. You can’t force it because it could do a lot of harm to your baby, in addition to causing an umbilical hernia.

When you bathe your baby, you will not be able to wet the navel area. Therefore, the ideal is to give sponge baths without touching this part.

Don’t worry about dirt because a newborn doesn’t get dirty. If the cord gets wet when you bathe your baby, you should dry it carefully. It will take a week or two to fall off. So don’t worry, he’ll fall by himself.

Special care with the softballs

The baby’s head has some soft areas that are called soft spots. The skull is not completely closed because this flexibility is necessary for the baby to pass through the birth canal.

When you hold your baby to pick him up, dress him, bathe him, or do anything else, keep in mind that you should pay close attention to the softballs.

You can comb it and pet it. But be careful because it’s a very delicate area. During the first two years the moles will close and your baby will have a normal skull.

about the newborns

The baby lets you know when it’s eaten enough

The baby will need to eat whenever he asks. It is usual to do this every two or three hours, but if you are breastfeeding it is more likely to be more often. With breastfeeding, it is more difficult to know if the baby is being fed correctly. Because although he spends a lot of time on your breasts, it is not known if the milk that comes out is really what he needs or if it is enough.

Knowing if your baby has had enough is simple. When he is no longer hungry, he will be irritated and you should stop feeding him. You need to know your child’s body language to be able to breastfeed as much as he needs (knowing when he’s hungry and when he’s full).

You’ll know if he’s eating enough because your newborn should gain 5 to 8% of its weight in the first week of life. You can also tell by observing if he pees and poops properly each day. Generally, you will need to change 5 to 6 diapers daily with one or two bowel movements.

The baby’s skin is dry

At first it can be silky smooth skin. But then that will change, and the skin will start to become drier. Therefore, it is necessary that you apply moisturizing cream for newborns on your baby’s delicate skin. And it should be a hypoallergenic cream.

You will also notice that your baby will cry a lot. After all, this is his only way of communicating with you. He will also sleep a lot and will want your love and affection constantly. But above all, it will go through this phase very quickly. So enjoy mommy!

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