The 6 Most Common Baby Navel Care Mistakes

The 6 Most Common Mistakes in Baby Navel Care

Caring for a newborn can become a challenge when we don’t have experience. In view of the baby’s delicacy, we can make mistakes in many ways, for example, in taking care of the navel. Taking care of the navel is a task that is only done once, once it has healed, we don’t have to do it again until we have another newborn.

Most mothers acquire experience in this type of care for their own baby. However, it is believed that this is something they never do alone; that is, you always get referrals from someone with more knowledge. Despite this, the person who gives us instructions may have committed



An additional situation to deal with is that we sometimes get obsolete advice. This is how the grandmother used to do it and my mother repeated it, but the pediatrician told me something different. Before, they used mini cotton bands that were left on until the navel dried. Products were also used that are now not recommended at all.

What is certain is that when we are first-time mothers we become an easy target. Everyone believes they have the right advice, but we can all make mistakes.   It’s up to us to evaluate the most convenient idea,


r in the process and stay alert if something doesn’t go as expected.

Mothers are also given instructions on how to take care of their babies’ navels when they leave the maternity ward. However, some women are instructed  on what to do, but never what not to do. That’s why on this occasion we’ll tell you about the most common mistakes we make in caring for the

belly button



What You Should Avoid in Baby Navel Care

The life of a first-time mother is chaotic for a while. Our body is suffering, we experience new emotions and we have a big challenge ahead. When everything is new to us, there can be chaos.  This time it’s not just about giving love and being happy, this little one needs us in many ways. We have your source of food, we are your teachers, guardians and also nurses.

If at this stage it is difficult to change a


, imagine this tweezers in the navel of a newborn. What to do and what not to do with this task? Below we show you what mistakes we might be making.

Use cotton instead of gauze

Cotton is a product widely used in wound healing and other medical procedures. That’s why it can commonly be used when taking care of the navel. However, cotton is not recommended in these cases because it can leave fibers that can cause infections. The ideal for this work are sterile gauze; they are smooth, safe and do not release residues.

Leave the navel covered with bandages

In addition to being an old custom for taking care of the navel, its use is also maintained with the intention of avoiding friction. Due to the place where it is located this ends up coinciding with the height of the diaper, so be careful. However, it is not advisable for us to bandage it.

The navel will heal better if it’s uncovered, because some tissue can attract allergens and moisture. The tracks are also not recommended because they could be inconvenient for the


or cause pressure that prevents you from breathing well.

Use non-recommended antiseptics

Not all antiseptic products are suitable for taking care of a baby’s belly button. Therefore, the main product recommended for this purpose is alcohol 70% by volume. Chlorhexidine can also be used whenever and when indicated by the pediatrician.

Chemicals with coloring should never be used, for example chromium mercury. This substance or iodine are contraindicated for this care because they can be absorbed by the


and cause thyroid problems. Likewise, dye antiseptics are associated with the development of eczema.  

Leave wet gauze over the navel

The main way for a baby’s belly button to heal completely is for it to remain dry. Therefore, it should be avoided that moisture remains in it. In this sense, it is not advisable to soak the gauze too much with alcohol, nor should it be left on the navel. We usually leave the gauze moistened over the navel after finishing the treatment, but this is a mistake, as it is recommended to remove moisture from the area.

Perform the treatment only once a day

For best results it  is recommended to take care of the navel at least three times a day. In general, we carry out care after the baby’s bath and leave it that way until the next day. However, you must remember that it can be contaminated with urine or feces, considering that the diaper is too close. 

remove the navel ahead of time

Sometimes we can believe that it is already healed because it is dry. However, it may be fixed enough to cause hemorrhage if you pull it. the navel will fall

by myself

when it’s ready, for no reason try to remove it first.

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