What To Do When Pregnancy Doesn’t Happen

Pregnancy takes longer and longer and, on some occasions, the stress generated by the difficulty of getting pregnant has consequences on the conception itself. Next, you’ll learn about the reasons and what you can do when pregnancy doesn’t come.
What to do when pregnancy doesn't happen

Often, having our focus and attention on our work, along with the stress it causes, ends up affecting our fertility. We decide to have a child, but months pass, or even a year, and pregnancy doesn’t happen.

So, we started to  ask ourselves: “ What’s wrong with me?”, “Why can’t I get pregnant?” , “Do we have a fertility problem?”. Maybe so, but it could also be that there is no problem preventing conception.

When we find ourselves in this situation, we resort to stressful assisted reproduction treatments. But this prevents the connection with our true desires and, in addition, it also hinders the tranquility needed to conceive a child.

What should we do when pregnancy doesn’t happen

First, we need to rule out the existence of a fertility problem for us or our partner. This will tell us what might actually be happening.

On many occasions, it is not a medical problem that prevents conception, but the possible existence of many physical, psychological and emotional factors that are causing this infertility.

What to do when pregnancy doesn't happen

We need to try to find out what’s happening to us that’s been preventing pregnancy even when we don’t have any physical problems.

For what reasons does a pregnancy not happen?

There are  many different reasons why this can happen. In addition, currently, the moment of conceiving has been greatly postponed because of women’s careers, who leave this experience for later.

Unconscious rejection getting pregnant

This usually happens to women who are successful in public life, at work. Working 60 or 80 hours a week exhausts us,  and perhaps a hidden part of us may not want to get pregnant simply because we are trying to be valued and respected in the job market.

In this sense, a pregnancy would prevent us from continuing on this journey. Often, when we are less involved in work, less immersed in the labor market, we are able to conceive more easily.

the stress

When we are  under intense stress, large amounts of the hormone adrenaline (a hormone related to men) are secreted , so the body fights heavily against the female.

The consequences may not be seen in the short term, but if we want to get pregnant, we will have to realize that,  under the influence of stress, the mind cannot think about building a nest, even though we are very much in love with our partner and we are both healthy.

blind trust in science

We resort to assisted reproduction treatments very quickly, as if we were just a hormone machine. By following these techniques, results can often be disappointing. Because? Because we must take into account not only that side, but also our emotional reality.

This does not mean that many couples have not been able to get pregnant and continue to do so, but  it is not just the hormonal issue that is involved in conception, there is also the emotional issue.

What to do when pregnancy doesn't happen

Stress during fertilization techniques

When a couple goes through these techniques to be able to have a child, the technicians ignore that, in many cases,  the negative results occur as a consequence of the stress caused by the method itself.

What can we do if pregnancy doesn’t happen

We must face the emotional reality of the couple. This means that each of us must investigate our own hidden part and  discover what unites us as a couple.

In some cases, having a child becomes the only agreement between the couple. This must be taken into account, since  assisted reproduction processes require the couple to be willing to talk, keep each other company and nurture the love  that unites them, that is, that they are a consolidated couple.

We need to be honest about what we’re willing to sacrifice for the sake of having a child, and we also need to be honest about the freedom, success, travel, and peace of mind we’re going to leave behind for other things.

Sometimes we are not aware of all the emotional part involved in achieving conception,  and for that reason pregnancy does not happen. These are some of the reasons why you may not be able to conceive and some steps you can take on the matter.

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