27th Week Of Pregnancy

27th week of pregnancy

What happens in the 27th week of pregnancy? What are the changes in the baby and the mother?

In the 27th week of pregnancy we find mother and child closer together. The baby continues its evolution towards birth. Mom also advances in her preparation for giving birth.

Everything adapts and integrates. The mother’s heart rate is linked to the baby’s. And their emotional states directly influence the child’s.

The sensations a woman feels are very deep. In the 27th week of pregnancy, every movement of the baby’s arms and legs is noticed. It’s even possible to feel if he’s hiccuping.

Mother and child communicate and understand each other. That way, Mom will notice when her baby is resting and when he’s restless. Caressing the belly can calm the little one.

Mom in the 27th week of pregnancy

  • The belly grows at an accelerated rate. The baby takes up almost all the space in the uterus. This causes the woman some discomfort and difficulties to move and rest.
  • Desires increase. They are likely to be a sign of what the body needs. Therefore, if at all possible, these wishes must be granted. For example, if a woman is craving ice cream, it could be that her body is in need of fat and calcium.
    27ª semana de gravidez
  • New symptoms appear, such as pain in the back, pelvis and back of muscles. This is because the body is getting ready for the big time. Bones and muscles assume the proper position for childbirth.
  • Mood swings become frequent and unexplainable. Mom quickly goes from happiness to sadness, for no reason.
  • It is possible that the appetite will increase. The woman will feel like eating all the time. It is a stage of pregnancy in which special attention should be paid to weight gain. The sedentary life of the moment coupled with constant appetite will bring a few extra pounds. If this gain is not controlled, it can influence the time of delivery.
  • Cramps occur very frequently, especially in the legs. Generally, they bother more at night. Standing and walking for a few minutes is the best way to fight them. A good massage of the affected area will also help.

Skin changes and breast enlargement

  • In some parts of the body, the skin is darker. The so-called “alba line” appears clearly, which runs vertically across the abdomen. It’s a darker line, with a brown tint. The darkening of the skin is due to the concentration of melanin.
    The breasts continue to grow and show small veins under the skin. It is important to moisturize them with specific creams to avoid stretch marks. The nipples also get darker and small lumps appear that are totally normal.
  • It’s time to get started with childbirth preparation courses. These courses will allow the woman to understand in detail each moment from birth to the birth of the baby. It is a good opportunity to resolve all doubts.

The baby at the 27th week of pregnancy

The baby measures approximately 37 cm from head to heels. And it weighs just over 1 kg. It already takes up almost all the space in the uterus.

Your body accumulates fat quickly. This fat allows you to keep the temperature balanced in the environment in which you live. It is also a source of calories that the baby will use in the first few days after birth.

If a three-dimensional ultrasound is performed at week 27 of pregnancy, you can clearly see the baby in parts. It will be possible to see the features of the face, the size of the hands and feet and some movements.

The 27th week of pregnancy is the stage when the internal organs have just formed. In general, the digestive and respiratory systems undergo rapid maturation.

The nervous system also develops and the little one starts to move the eyelids. He opens and closes his eyes, sucks his fingers, alternates periods in which he sleeps with periods in which he is awake.

27th week of pregnancy

Suggestions for the 27th week of pregnancy

  • When you feel the baby, it is time to learn to know its needs. Therefore, the mother should try to accompany the little one in his moments of rest. If she notices that the little one is very restless in the 27th week of pregnancy, she should try to relax so that the baby can also relax.
  • Healthy eating is essential, especially based on fruits and vegetables.
  • It is a good idea to prepare a list of questions to ask the obstetrician.

Time passes quickly and it’s a little while before the baby knows the light of the outside world.

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