Is It Difficult To Find Work When Pregnant?

Increasingly, women are more economically independent and their desires to overcome them drive them. So, even though they are pregnant, they look for a job. However, this is not very easy: sometimes, they do not find anything precisely because of the pregnancy.
Is it difficult to find work while pregnant?

Over the past twenty-five years, women have made significant achievements in joining the workforce and have demonstrated abilities to perform tasks that were previously reserved for men only. However, everything changes when it becomes impossible to find work because you are pregnant.

Although at present there is more equality in terms of opportunities, for a pregnant woman the chances decrease. The reason is that, for the boss or boss, the fact of employing her would already entail a series of consequences both for the mother-to-be and for the company.

When we talk about consequences for the mother-to-be, we are referring to her health and that of her child. She must maintain harmony between the body and the environment, which allows her to live her daily life as peacefully as possible.

In this sense, the close interrelationship between the various systems —nervous, endocrine and immunological— causes any change in the mother to affect the healthy development of the baby.

Why is it hard to find work when you’re pregnant?

Finding work while pregnant becomes difficult because, for some people, pregnancy can reduce performance, which would be unprofitable.

Also, depending on the future mother’s profession, the job may be considered risky for her status. This can pose many legal problems for the employer.

Other than that, there is the fact that the boss or boss fears some consequences when employing a pregnant woman. Among them, the granting of licenses or absences and the care inherent in their state.

Despite the obstacles that a pregnant woman faces, she has every right to work for reasons of self-improvement, personal growth and independence. The reward is both emotional and financial.

Some psychologists have observed that work builds a woman’s stronger bond with reality. Therefore, some choose not to have children, as they cannot afford to leave their professional work.

woman trying to find work

Rights that support a pregnant woman at work

It is known that finding work while pregnant is very difficult for the various reasons mentioned above. However, if you are already employed and become pregnant, you should know what your rights are.

Depending on the country you are in, the rules may vary. But basically, most of them are based on the following principles:

Adapt the mother-to-be to an activity consistent with her status and education

Working conditions must comply with the woman’s professional category, never worsening her job position.

Grant maternity leave

This is one of the primary rights of a pregnant woman. Consists of an approximate number of 120 to 180 days. Once delivery has occurred, the woman should enjoy a rest period of at least 6 weeks.

Dismissal is inadmissible

Once the employer becomes aware of the employee’s pregnancy status, this cannot be grounds for dismissal under any circumstances.

Special treatment for high-risk pregnancy

The expectant mother may require special considerations if her pregnancy is at high risk. For this, you must prove this condition with a medical report.

In addition, in some cases, she is entitled to sick pay. During this time, you must receive full salary.

Permissions to attend prenatal care

The obstetrician has the power to schedule as many appointments as he deems necessary with the pregnant woman. Therefore, the boss or employer must grant her permission to attend appointments without this being deducted from her salary.

stress during pregnancy

Despite all the above mentioned rights and others that depend on the law that governs your country, finding work while pregnant is a bit tricky. Most companies are not willing to hire a woman in these conditions because of the large number of implications that directly influence their performance.

In any job, the physical and mental state of the future pregnant woman is compromised. The woman tries harder and suffers from exhaustion. Therefore, the applications are unattractive for the available jobs.

An excellent option these days is to work from home. There are many online platforms that hire professionals so that, from their homes, they can do the work they would supposedly do in an office.

Being at home, you will be able to better manage your time and continue to develop professionally until your body and your baby are ready to face, with you, a new job.

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