During Childhood, Days Are Long And Years Are Very Short

During childhood the days are long and the years very short

During childhood the days are long, the nights are eternal, yet the years are very short. We don’t really know how it happens, but almost without realizing it, our little ones get off our laps to start walking, and our bodies are no longer the most important refuge, but our hearts will always be the available home, our hearts will beat every day for them and for the happiness of the little ones.

Experts say that our perception of time tends to change as we grow older and older. For kids, an afternoon can feel like forever. For an adult, a year can pass in the blink of an eye. Why does it happen? The simple fact of having many responsibilities, and having a life with a high level of stress often makes time pass much faster in our brain.

However, during childhood a phenomenon that is both curious and contradictory occurs. On the one hand, we live in one of those phases of our existence in which the “here and now” cannot be more physical, more intense, emotional and chaotic. The days can undoubtedly be very long. However, even if everything seems complicated, this happiness makes the perception of time also dissolve like a lump of sugar in a glass of water.

Sometimes we just blink our eyes to discover that our little one is already walking, running, going to the bathroom alone and complaining when we try to pick him up for a kiss. It’s as if the childhood of our little ones was almost like a sigh and that sometimes scares us, causes a certain sadness… If you’re going through this, we’re sure we can help you.

Childhood is hard, yes, but it’s also a reflection of our love


You went through fears that only you know. The fear of not being able to provide enough milk. Afraid the little one was in pain and you didn’t know it. Afraid of hurting him by getting into bed with him. Fear of not being a good mother when told about how complicated motherhood and raising a child are.

However, today, after endless days and endless sleepless nights,  you realized that all these fears were motivations to overcome each day.  So many challenges were overcome that those hours of crying, restlessness, bottles, diapers, thermometers and lullabies are undoubtedly one of the best memories of her life.

How did time pass so quickly, when there were moments that seemed eternal? This thought, this idea that the years go by too quickly is basically due to happiness. When things go well and we see our little ones happy and radiant, the feeling of calm doesn’t allow us to have a fixed awareness of time. Time flies by because everything is in balance.

However, the real problem happens when something is not right. Many mothers and fathers who have gone through a difficult time with their children have no doubt noticed that at these times time seems to stand still. It’s like a pawn that has stopped spinning, a door that doesn’t close, a page in the book that isn’t read. Pain, restlessness, and sadness are elements that make time stand still.

So, remember that if your childhood flew by then everything went well. Because you are doing the right thing.


One day your little one will walk faster and you should let him go…

We know that thinking that our little one is going to grow up and that we will need to let him go scares us, makes us sad and even worries us. However, this is the ultimate end of childhood: to offer the world independent children, beautiful, brave, free, capable and happy people who can open their own paths.

However, you should not be afraid or anticipate things . The ideal is to always enjoy the “here and now” of what you are living, where the main objective is to build unforgettable memories, anchors full of magic, love and affection that can last forever in your mind and your child’s.

Enjoy while you can still carry him in your arms, enjoy those moments when he still looks for your hand when you’re out walking, when he wants to sleep with Mom, when he laughs when you kiss and tickle him. Idealize in your mind unforgettable moments with your presence and your affection, because today’s love will be your tomorrow’s inspiration.

The childhood you provide now, based on wise and intuitive attachment and affection, will be the light that will gradually transform your little one into an exceptional and, above all, HAPPY person.

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