Taking Paracetamol During Pregnancy: Side Effects – I’m A Mom

Taking paracetamol during pregnancy: side effects

Consumption of acetaminophen during pregnancy is safe and generally uncomplicated. However, there are certain risks and associated side effects that every pregnant woman should be aware of.

Although it  is one of the safest medications to use during pregnancy, its consumption is not without risks. Consumption must be controlled and always through medical prescription. Below, we will present different aspects about the advantages and dangers of taking acetaminophen during pregnancy.

Acetaminophen: what exactly is it

This drug is an antipyretic analgesic, that is, it relieves pain and relieves fever. It has no anti-inflammatory effect and is generally used to relieve headaches, back discomfort and colds.

It is estimated that 60% of pregnant women use it; however, it  is a drug that is absorbed from the placenta.  That is, it reaches the fetus, which creates unwanted risks and side effects for the pregnancy.

What are the effects of taking acetaminophen during pregnancy?

If not used for a long time, paracetamol is a safe drug, always when indicated by a doctor. On several occasions it is prescribed to relieve some discomfort of pregnant women, such as headaches or backaches and colds.

Taking paracetamol in the embarrassment can trap certain risks and secondary effects.

Because of the side effects this pain reliever can have on the fetus, it  is important not to self-medicate. Even more knowing that it is a drug that is generally found everywhere. Some of these side effects are:

Asthma and Allergy

During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the use of acetaminophen can cause asthma in the baby. According to research carried out,  the risk of suffering from asthma is 25% higher in babies whose mothers used this drug.

The use of this medication is also associated with the probability of the baby suffering from allergies and other respiratory problems.

Problems in neuronal development

Administering acetaminophen for a prolonged period in the third trimester of pregnancy can cause cognitive and motor problems in the fetus.

Research reveals that mothers who used acetaminophen for more than 28 days in a row had babies with less cognitive development. In addition, these babies had problems with behavior and motor development below normal.

reproductive problems

Taking acetaminophen during pregnancy for more than 28 days can also produce reproductive disorders in male babies.

By reducing testosterone levels, it can carry risks of fertility  and cryptorchidism . In this case, the testicles do not descend into the scrotal sac, remaining in the inguinal canal or the abdomen.


Another risk associated with the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy is its relationship with ADHD. According to research from the University of California, there is a link between this drug and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Children whose mothers were medicated with acetaminophen during pregnancy  are between 13% and 37% more likely to suffer from ADHD.

Women with high blood pressure: possible risk of premature birth

Women who take this drug and suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure) risk having a premature birth.

It should be clarified that  paracetamol does not normally generate a risk of miscarriage or advance delivery. It only occurs, as we have seen, in women with a history of high blood pressure.

Recommended doses

Both the administration period and the dose are important so that this drug does not pose a risk. As we have seen, despite the associated risks,  paracetamol during pregnancy is safe, always taken with proper control and accompanied by a medical prescription.

It is recommended  not to exceed four grams a day and  to take it every 6-8 hours. Furthermore, it should only be taken in isolated cases, when there really is a real need for it.

An embarazada must only take the medications that her doctor recommends.

So, what to do about discomfort during pregnancy?

We have already seen the side effects linked to the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy. But then  what alternatives are there to this medication?

We must take into account that prescribed by a doctor and administered for a short period of time does not pose great risks for the fetus. However, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions and not to take acetaminophen during pregnancy for a long time. In fact, it is best to  avoid taking any medication during the months of pregnancy.

It is recommended that you learn about alternative and natural methods to alleviate feelings of discomfort. There are many options: natural remedies, homemade tranquilizers, actions to be taken such as massage, moderate exercise, etc… Whenever you can solve your discomfort in a less aggressive way, you will be contributing to your baby’s health.

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