7 Tips For A Happy Postpartum

7 tips for a happy postpartum

Right after birth comes a difficult time. It is then that the first contact between the mother and the newborn becomes essential. In this way, the mother and the baby seal an immaculate bond. But that is not all. What do mothers need for a happy postpartum?

We cannot forget that we are facing a delicate moment. The body is weaker and emotions trigger an internal tsunami. Therefore, it is very important that the new mother talks about her needs and desires. Likewise, family and friends should be sensitive to them.

That’s why, in this I’m Mommy article, we offer you some useful advice for a happy postpartum. Pay attention to the following enumeration of details that anyone close to this new family that has begun to branch out should consider.

Key elements for a happy postpartum

happy postpartum

  • A gift? Intimacy!  This need is absolutely normal and logical. The body goes through changes and this sometimes hurts. Whether a normal birth or a caesarean, there will be (normal) consequences of the birth. In addition, the newborn will be fed through the breasts. Could you please wait a little longer to meet the child you can share your whole life with?
  • A wish? Feel the baby.  The ideal is for the mother to be able to hold the baby so that the path taken from the inside of the mother’s body to the outside of it is not so abrupt. It is essential that calm prevails to allow the little one to recognize its smell and its warmth. Furthermore, for the child there will be nothing more beneficial than feeling the mother’s heartbeat. And it will also be beneficial for the mother to recognize her little one running through her little body.
  • A treat? Rest.  An absolutely necessary aspect considering the high levels of physical effort it took to bring a child into the world. Therefore, it is possible to see that after giving birth, mothers feel exhausted. It is also necessary to consider the characteristics of the baby’s sleep at this early stage. He sleeps a lot, but at short intervals.
  • A favor? Don’t take the baby. Only when the parents ask or authorize, even less if you are a stranger. There are several aspects that go through the minds of parents at this time: hand hygiene, any type of virus or bacteria that can reach the baby, respect for the newborn’s sleep, among other things.
  • Advice on visits.  The recommended for a happy postpartum is to call before the visit. This implies a dose of understanding on the part of loved ones and determination when it comes to fulfilling this request from the parents. Another tip is to avoid long visits or visits that include many people, as the mother needs calm and adequate help.
  • Welcome help!  If you went to help at the mother’s request, there’s no problem helping around the house, with meals or with the newborn’s little brothers. But it also goes without saying that this collaboration must take place at the request of the new mother, not at the whims of the helping hands.

happy postpartum

  • Avoid unsolicited advice.  I am a new mother, with a volatile emotional state, a lot of sleep and a sea of ​​doubts and fears. My north is the recommendations of doctors who are specialists in the subject. If you’re not a professional or you’re not in my shoes, save time and saliva. Because this is a moment for me and my son, that’s why it’s unique. Give us the freedom to go our own way.

    Of course, not all of these needs and desires are present in any mother’s life. Because this depends exclusively on the physical and mental state that the new mother has after the baby is born. However, we talk about most of the factors that contribute to a happier postpartum.

    Based on your experience, in your specific case, what did you feel after the arrival of your child? Does it resemble those desires and needs that are often not respected? Would you add any other tips to the ones listed? Tell us about your experience!

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