16 Sentences For Kids To Start The Day Positively

Positivity helps the little ones to face their daily lives better, showing a good attitude towards life.
16 sentences for children to start the day positively

The mood early in the morning can determine how someone will feel throughout the day. Therefore,  having good energy from the beginning of the morning is beneficial to better face the responsibilities and to carry out tasks with a positive attitude. Do you want your kids to start the day positively? Let’s introduce some phrases to help children in this regard.

Remember that fostering and developing optimism and positive thinking from the earliest years of life can help little ones be happier and enjoy life all the time.

The importance of starting the day in a positive way

Most  mothers and fathers want the best for their children. Therefore, among many other things, they often want their children to:

phrases for children to start the day positively

  • Be confident and self-assured.
  • Be committed to your responsibilities.
  • Establish healthy social relationships.
  • Be successful in your studies.
  • Manage to overcome difficult and complicated situations.
  • Be emotionally stable.
  • Be happy and smiling.

That is, they want their children to grow up and develop in a happy way. For this, it is very important to  convey positive messages to children from childhood.

Positivity is the ability to educate and train yourself. Thus, it can be said that each person is the product of the construction of their own thoughts, actions and behaviors.

Positive thinking, in the short and long term, provides well-being, balance and satisfaction with life. Therefore, it is considered important that children are able to be positive. A good time  to practice and work on this aspect is in the morning, when the little ones get up ready to face a new day.

Below, we’ve compiled some famous phrases for children to start the day positively. It is  a series of reflections that are very brief and simple, but which, if understood from childhood, can be especially useful for enjoying life to the full.

phrases for children to start the day positively

16 sentences for children to start the day positively

  1. “I am not what happened to me, I am what I chose to become.” -Carl Jung-
  2. “Never forget that you are the architect of your own destiny.” -Anonymous-
  3. “There will be nothing that can scare you if you refuse to be afraid.” -Mahatma Gandhi- 
  4. “Good things happen every day. We just have to notice them”. – Anne Wilson Schaef –
  5. “Never feel embarrassed for trying and failing, because the one who has never failed is the one who has never tried“. – Og Mandino-
  6. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”. -Anna Eleanor Roosevelt-
  7. “Learn to be happy with what you have while chasing everything you want.” -Jim Rohn-
  8. “If ever they don’t give you the smile you expected, be generous and give it yours. Nobody has such a need for a smile as someone who doesn’t know how to smile at others”. -Dalai Lama-
  9. “Life is like a mirror: if you smile in the mirror, it smiles back.” -Mahatma Gandhi- 
  10. “There is no greater joy than the joy spread among others.” -Henry F. Hoar-
  11. “Joy is the main ingredient in the health compound.” -THE. Murphy-
  12. “When a man is a good friend, he also has good friends.” -Nicolau Machiavelli –
  13. “Friendship doubles the joys and divides the sorrows”. -Sir Francis Bacon-
  14. “If you open your hands to give, they will remain open to receive.” -Anonymous-
  15. “Sometimes a positive attitude is enough to turn a bad day into a wonderful day.” -Anonymous-
  16. “Dare to fight for what you want, I’m not saying it will be easy, I’m saying it will be worth it.” -Anonymous-

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