5 Reasons To Talk To Baby During Pregnancy

From the moment we receive the news that we are going to be mothers, we are invaded by a mixture of feelings and sensations that are very difficult to explain. Uncertainty and emotion are just some of them and are present throughout the pregnancy process.
5 reasons to talk to your baby during pregnancy

Talking to the baby during pregnancy is extremely beneficial, as it is one of the first actions that allows you to initiate the special and magical bond between mother and child.

Without a doubt, this baby that develops in our womb will become the most important reason for our lives.

He will be responsible for pushing us to achieve the goals and challenges we set ourselves in order to satisfy all your needs and ensure your well-being.

And since we only wish well to this little being that grows inside us, there is no better way to show our love than stimulating it from an early age with sweet conversations.

clarifying doubts

The topic of “talking to the baby during pregnancy” raises many questions especially for first-time moms.

How important is this type of stimulus? What are the advantages or disadvantages? Is it a myth or is it something that has been proven?

Due to the belief that this type of stimulation can cause totally negative effects such as hyperactive and restless children, it may be that many people avoid it on purpose.

Dear moms, keep calm about the matter, as these beliefs couldn’t be further from reality.

Prenatal stimulation, especially talking to the baby during pregnancy, has numerous benefits.

It not only strengthens the bond between mother and child, it also helps with auditory recognition.

Among other reasons, that’s why we’ll share some reasons to talk to your baby below.

5 reasons why you should talk to your baby

talk to the baby

Our maternal instinct naturally makes us talk at any time to the baby that is still in the belly.

The good news is that the ears and hence the sense of hearing develop in the first few months of pregnancy.

Without a doubt, all the loving gestures we make in prenatal stimulation are very positive.

Below, we’ll mention the top 5 and most important reasons why you should talk to your baby during pregnancy:

  • Brain strengthening. Develops and strengthens the nervous and neuronal system, which improves the baby’s brain development.
  • Maternal bond. The baby becomes familiar with the mother’s voice and will be able to identify it clearly and more easily.
  • Sense of hearing. Talking to your baby during pregnancy significantly develops your hearing.
  • Soothing effect. When you notice some restlessness in your little one, such as through movement, a few words will be enough to convey peace and tranquility.
  • Language development. Research conducted by Stanford University indicated that infants who received intrauterine stimulation through the mother’s voice began to speak their first words earlier than infants whose mothers did not stimulate them in this way.

The forms of communication are not limited only to what we say. There are different ways to make our baby understand what we think and feel:

  • Through caresses and voices from the closest family members.
  • Breathing controlled in situations of stress and anxiety. That way, he will be able to distinguish which bad moment has already passed.
  • Listen to quiet, relaxing music.

Know more about the subject

talk to the baby

We must not forget that the body is a perfectly designed organism. Thus, everything that can be transmitted through it has positive or negative effects.

Therefore, we have to pay attention to everything we do and say so that this little being who will accompany us daily grows in a healthy and harmonious environment.

Parents are responsible for choosing the form and style of communication with their child, there is no set pattern.

Love will be responsible for the child to feel that the outside world will receive him in a welcoming atmosphere, similar to the one that lives inside the belly.

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