I Love You From The First Heartbeat

From that moment on I knew you would be my favorite person in the world. My hero in this mess called the world.
I love you from the first heartbeat

I love you, I loved you and I will love you. Since I heard your heart beat for the first time. That’s when I understood that I would never be alone again.

Every woman at some point in her life dreams, or at least fantasizes, about that moment. Become a mother. This only profession in which no one gives you the title, and you learn it after you start the course. Of course, always studying at home university.

Practically all women dreamed of this moment when this part of our being leaves our womb to launch itself in our arms.

But as much as you want with all your strength and want with all your heart, until you haven’t felt the signs that tell you of the magic of having a child, it’s hard to understand the feeling.

It’s just that when you hear the heartbeat in the first scans, you are invaded by an inexplicable emotion. You are generating a life.

Over time, a pair of little legs and arms begin to shake, reminding you that happiness can take many forms. But in this opportunity, an enormous joy invades you.

I love you since our intrauterine attunement


The love you can feel after striving for a birth is overwhelming and unimaginable.

The devotion you begin to experience when observing and hugging your baby for the first time is as inexplicable as it is unparalleled. It really compares to touching the skies with your hands.

However, I can say with complete conviction that I have loved you ever since I sensed this perfect intrauterine synchrony. The harmonious music of our hearts playing in the rhythm of the future.

You knew me like no one else. Felt me. I learned to interpret its signals in my abdomen during those nine months. 

I remember your first moves. In the beginning, they generated butterflies in my belly. It was love and emotion. Then her little arms and elbows appeared.

You painted with watercolor the most beautiful smile on my face. The anxiety was there. I already dreamed of having you in my arms.

And finally this long-awaited miracle happened. Our first big blind date. There was no margin for error, it couldn’t go wrong.

The miracle

I knew that there I would meet the true love of my life. A love different from others. Deep, pure, unconditional. Above all, infinite and eternal.

My heart exploded with happiness. In fact, I’ve been proud since the moment this positive test warned me of your presence, I’ve never felt so happy and fortunate than when you said “mommy”. For the first time, and in a barely understandable voice, but absolutely sweet and charming.

The word took on another meaning when it was said through her little mouth. It took on another direction, went to another dimension.

I believed I was blessed by angels. However, I must recognize that motherhood, since the zero minute, has involved going through this beautiful path of sensations and feelings of dreams.

I love you since before I could see your face


I love you for a long time. More than you imagine. Even before putting a face in my mind. Before I knew whether I expected a blue prince or the princess of all my palaces. My body changed and adapted to his arrival, as did our sweet home.

Inside my womb, a confidant and my greatest companion. What you can say for sure is that you know me better than anyone else.

I talked, stroked and sang every day and every night. I knew you felt me, and that truth shook me as I held you in my arms and witnessed our unique and special connection.

Of course, not everything was perfect during this idyllic long wait. Sometimes I felt fear and fear invaded me. At other times, doubt or restlessness haunted us.

At other times, the world seemed to fall apart. The symptoms would appear: I had to face the hard to achieve glory.

Fight with nausea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting, digestive problems, back pain. The price I chose to pay for that love. Painfully finance the most beautiful life we ​​have left to live.

And it was worth it, and I knew it when I first kissed that little nose or when you first looked at me.


The day you came into my life, and you have been present in all my days ever since, I understood that I would never be alone again.

So I committed to taking care of you and protecting you with my life. I swore that nothing would happen, that nothing would be lacking for my baby.

I promised to teach you to see the world from the heart. And even though I can’t stop you from falling, I promise to stay close to extend my hand that will help you get back on your feet.

I offered my love and respect so that you can put them into practice whenever you want. I love you and that’s why I’ll also give you wings so that you can fly when you can.

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