Evacuation: Why Is It Important Not To Hold Back Or Delay?

Evacuation: Why is it important not to hold or delay?

Repressing this need can bring complications. Evacuation is the natural mechanism used by the body to eliminate fecal matter, which is the product of all waste products in the body.

An alteration in this completely normal process can bring serious short- and long-term complications to the digestive system. Knowing this fact in depth will help you avoid this bad habit and act immediately when your body asks for it.

Ensuring evacuation is one of the mechanisms used to avoid public or outside restrooms. To combat this habit, it is essential to be aware of the importance of evacuation for a healthy body.

Consequences of Postponing Evacuation

While postponing a bowel movement may seem somewhat harmless, it is a truly dangerous act for the body. This is due to the fact that, once the waste is expelled, the digestive tract prepares itself for further digestion. Hence the importance of respecting this process.

Some consequences of not respecting this process are as follows:

Inability to absorb nutrients

The mechanism for absorbing nutrients is carried out in the small intestine. Holding back or postponing bowel movements can harm the bowels. This would result in the difficulty of absorbing the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

painful evacuation

Holding back the urge to go to the bathroom causes the small intestine to absorb water from the retained stool. This causes hard or rough fecal matter, causing a lot of pain to get rid of. In addition, over time it can bring complications with the appearance of hemorrhoids, causing even more pain during defecation.

Abdominal distension

Another consequence of stopping the act of defecating is the accumulation of gas in the intestine. These substances, when decomposed, release large amounts of vapors that can weaken the intestinal flora. This makes the body vulnerable to attacks from harmful bacteria.


The need to defecate is a complex process, in which nerve endings and, consequently, the brain are involved.

the evacuation

Frequently in the habit of holding back the bowel movement, over time, this impulse is lost. The results in the future are lazy colon and unable to expel stool, ie constipation.

On the other hand, constipation causes problems such as hemorrhoids, bloating, irritable bowel, and others that greatly affect the quality of life. It also causes obesity, fluid retention and other pathologies.


One of the complications of avoiding bowel movements in the long term is diverticulitis. This disease consists of small balls that appear internally in the intestinal wall and become inflamed. They appear with the hardening of the feces, associated with the effort made to carry out the evacuation.


Another long-term consequence is sepsis. It is caused when, due to the prolonged residence of the stool in the rectum, bacteria pass into the bloodstream. A problem that could be fatal.

Why is it important to evacuate every day?

Evacuation is an indispensable cleansing mechanism for good health and it starts with eating healthy foods.

For this reason, when consuming foods rich in fiber, the natural thing is for the body to eliminate them in frequent and abundant bowel movements.

Regarding frequency, experts agree that the normal thing is to evacuate at least twice a day. This action reflects how healthy an organism’s digestive health is. Furthermore, it favors the expulsion of soft stools without intense odors. This is even more important during pregnancy.

the evacuation

Recommendations to evacuate well

For a correct functioning of the organism, it is essential that you put into practice the following recommendations:

  • Consume foods high in fiber. Complement your diet with fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Exercise regularly as this will favor the nervous system , helping to regulate bowel movements .
  • Avoid stress.
  • Consume at least 2 liters of water a day to maintain adequate hydration.

If you find that following this advice does not help to regularize bowel movements, consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

It is essential to understand the importance of a frequent bowel movement, as, in addition to keeping the digestive system clean, it promotes good health.

Strive to maintain discipline in taking care of your health and get rid of various diseases of the digestive system.

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